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How to compare binary files to check if they are the same?

... diff will show if the files are the same or not: [me@host ~]$ diff 1.bin 2.bin Binary files 1.bin and 2.bin differ If there is no output from the command, it means that the files have no differences. share | ...

Redirect STDERR / STDOUT of a process AFTER it's been started, using command line?

... 126 Short of closing and reopening your tty (i.e. logging off and back on, which may also terminate...

Upgrade python in a virtualenv

... 12 Answers 12 Active ...

Windows batch: formatted date into variable

... 152 You can get the current date in a locale-agnostic way using for /f "skip=1" %%x in ('wmic os ge...

What is the preferred/idiomatic way to insert into a map?

... 92 First of all, operator[] and insert member functions are not functionally equivalent : The ope...

Confused about stdin, stdout and stderr?

... 258 Standard input - this is the file handle that your process reads to get information from you. ...

Rank function in MySQL

... 270 One option is to use a ranking variable, such as the following: SELECT first_name, ...

no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH when installing python

... edited Jun 13 '18 at 11:52 Duncan 26122 silver badges1717 bronze badges answered Nov 6 '13 at 15:54 ...

Difference between >>> and >>

... 421 >> is arithmetic shift right, >>> is logical shift right. In an arithmetic shif...

Convert HashBytes to VarChar

I want to get the MD5 Hash of a string value in SQL Server 2005. I do this with the following command: 7 Answers ...