大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0420秒) [XML]


Codeigniter - no input file specified

...nswer to this question here..... The problem was hosting server... I thank all who tried .... Hope this will help others Godaddy Installation Tips share | improve this answer | ...

Why a function checking if a string is empty always returns true? [closed]

... Simple problem actually. Change: if (strTemp != '') to if ($strTemp != '') Arguably you may also want to change it to: if ($strTemp !== '') since != '' will return true if you pass is numeric 0 and a few other cases due to PHP's autom...

Enable Vim Syntax Highlighting By Default

...your $HOME as .vimrc. It switches on a lot of basic stuff for you automatically (syntax, search highlighting, backup etc). You can then tweak it based on your needs. – oyenamit Jun 30 '12 at 14:51 ...

App Inventor 2 接入百度网盘API · App Inventor 2 中文网

...我们的请求:Transfer-Encoding can’t be trunked. 而采用python或php自己写一个简单服务端是可以接受上传的文件的。 采用图片base64方案,也只能自己写服务端,然后解码,恢复文件,百度网盘也无法采用这种方案。 直接用python或curl...

汇编语言超浓缩教程(汇编入门必备) - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术


java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused

...ing this error. after reading a lot from the buddy WEB, I then closed out all the simulators and eclipse, killed the ADP in the task manager and then restarted the Eclipse and everything is started working properly. I think when you have multiple simulators running and then you try to connect devi...

Tactics for using PHP in a high-load site

... No two sites are alike. You really need to get a tool like jmeter and benchmark to see where your problem points will be. You can spend a lot of time guessing and improving, but you won't see real results until you measure and compare your changes. For ...

How to check if PHP array is associative or sequential?

PHP treats all arrays as associative, so there aren't any built in functions. Can anyone recommend a fairly efficient way to check if an array contains only numeric keys? ...

Wrong syntax highlighting for PHP file in PHPStorm

... You sir... are a saint... this has been driving me up a wall.. For anyone wondering, just look under text files, sure enough at the end, i had like 10 files that had driven me nuts.... WOOT! YOU ROCK! – Destreyf Apr 29 '14 at 1:41 ...

How to print a debug log?

... +1 It took me too long to find this answer. This is all I really was looking for. I couldn't figure out how to see what my array contained (working in Drupal). – SteveS May 7 '14 at 14:31 ...