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How to make space between LinearLayout children?

... The API >= 11 solution: You can integrate the padding into divider. In case you were using none, just create a tall empty drawable and set it as LinearLayout's divider: <LinearLayout android:showDividers="...

Getting user input [duplicate]

...n be used like this, with validation functions: import re import os.path api_key = prompt( message = "Enter the API key to use for uploading", errormessage= "A valid API key must be provided. This key can be found in your user profile", isvalid = lambda v : re.search(r"(([...

How do I choose grid and block dimensions for CUDA kernels?

...upancy calculations and launch configuration, see CUDA Pro Tip: Occupancy API Simplifies Launch Configuration One of the useful functions is cudaOccupancyMaxPotentialBlockSize which heuristically calculates a block size that achieves the maximum occupancy. The values provided by that function coul...

When to use Tornado, when to use Twisted / Cyclone / GEvent / other [closed]

... "Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design". If you are building something that is similar to a e-commerce site, then you should probably go with Django. It will get your work done quick. You dont have to worry about too ma...

Design for Facebook authentication in an iOS app that also accesses a secured web service

... @TimLeunge: We are using the Graph API for requests with the user's access token. – TMC Aug 14 '11 at 7:09 add a comment ...

Asp Net Web API 2.1 get client IP address

Hello I need get client IP that request some method in web api, I have tried to use this code from here but it always returns server local IP, how to get in correct way ? ...

Android app in Eclipse: Edit text not showing on Graphical layout

...ke sure you're not using a version that ends in "W" for Android Wear (e.g. API 20: Android 4.4W). I don't believe Wear supports EditText. In both Android Studio and Eclipse, it's the dropdown with the green android in the layout preview's toolbar. You may want to set it explicitly and not allow the...

JQuery: detect change in input field [duplicate]

... $.on() is the preferred method to attach event handlers (see here: http://api.jquery.com/on/ and http://api.jquery.com/bind/). $.keydown() is just a shortcut to $.bind('keydown'), and $.bind() is what $.on() replaces (among others). To answer your question, as far as I'm aware, unless you need to...

What to use instead of “addPreferencesFromResource” in a PreferenceActivity?

...provided in the method's description because the preferred approach (as of API level 11) is to instantiate PreferenceFragment objects to load your preferences from a resource file. See the sample code here: PreferenceActivity ...

What is the difference between Android margin start/end and right/left?

...flow, start=right, end=left. The "start" and "end" concepts were added in API Level 17, as part of Android 4.2's support for RTL layouts. share | improve this answer | follo...