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30条爆笑的程序员梗 PHP是最好的语言 - 轻松一刻 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...跟你走。 程序猿:PHP语言是最好的语言! 论坛炸锅了,各种吵架。 女神:服了你了,我们走吧,你想干啥都行。 程序猿:今天不行,我一定要说服他们,PHP语言是最好的语言。 4.睡觉 我是一个苦b的程序员,今晚加班到快...

windows下捕获dump之Google breakpad_client的理解 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...异步操作 + RegisterWaitForSingleObject 非常漂亮);dump生成的各种处理,不仅仅是MiniDumpWriteDump。(这可以说是我知识面不广带来的惊喜。) 阅读ClientDesign文档,虽然文档可能老了,但引导我明白了为什么进程内dump会导致现场破坏...

C++ Convert string (or char*) to wstring (or wchar_t*)

...ts. These CA2W (Convert Ansi to Wide=unicode) macros are part of ATL and MFC String Conversion Macros, samples included. Sometimes you will need to disable the security warning #4995', I don't know of other workaround (to me it happen when I compiled for WindowsXp in VS2012). #pragma warning(pu...

从估值5千万到一无所有 90后的他感觉梦境一场 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++...


Match linebreaks - \n or \r\n?

...s to question 1. I have an app that runs on Windows and uses a multi-line MFC editor box. The editor box expects CRLF linebreaks, but I need to parse the text enterred with some really big/nasty regexs'. I didn't want to be stressing about this while writing the regex, so I ended up normalizing ...

Why can't strings be mutable in Java and .NET?

...ame data, and one is modified, then both get modified). CString objects in MFC get around that by using reference counting. – RobH Mar 20 '09 at 18:21 7 ...

无社交不商业,Uber将边缘化BAT - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...态将会彻底改变。 社群自古就有,国家、宗教、各种组织,就是一个个独立的社群,一个个独立运行的生态系统。但是,过去,社群的存在并非主流,并非刚需。 过去几万年,几千年,人类的刚需是安全需求、衣食住...

“互联网卖菜”没那么简单 创业者不要盲目跟风 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C+...

...大平台所垄断,利用时间优势,打时间差,容易在大平台各种补贴抢用户的时候,凭借这最快最新鲜取得竞争的一定优势,但确实不能保证京东到家也丧心病狂开始半夜送菜,有钱任性,什么事都干的出来的。 高中低渠道各不...

StackOverflow程序员推荐:每个程序员都应读的30本书 - 杂谈 - 清泛网 - 专...

...其他人提出新模式和反模式(antipatterns),并运用于编程对话中。—— Chris Jester-Young 8. 《人月神话》 推荐数:588 9. 《计算机程序设计艺术》 推荐数:542 这是高德纳倾注心血写的一本书。—— Peter Coulton 10. 《编译原理...

Could you explain STA and MTA?

... thread and cannot be passed to other threads (much like any UI element in MFC). However, your program can still have many threads. MTA - You can manipulate the COM object on any thread in your program. share | ...