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Can you explain the concept of streams?

... the compressed form on to another stream, or one which encrypts the data, etc. At the other end there'd be the reverse chain, decrypting, decompressing or whatever. share | improve this answer ...

Boost程序库完全开发指南——深入C++“准”标准库高清PDF版 - 文档下载 - ...

...接受起来容易不少,让人感觉 Boost 真的有用,解决实际问题,这样读者对 Boost 的兴趣就被勾了起来,再往下读,也不那边怕艰难了。其实按我的设想,我觉得接下来就讲一下字符串和各种容器,比如 tuple、unordered、bimap、circular...

.htaccess rewrite to redirect root URL to subdirectory

...infinite redirect, since /subfolder is redirected to /subfolder/subfolder, etc... the RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/subfolder makes sure that if a URL is already redirected, it's not done again – patrick Aug 23 '18 at 19:04 ...

C++模板的特化 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...至于这里怎么都把T2搞没了变成只依赖一个模板参数T了的问题,大家别着急,我来告诉你个本质的东西,把我这么三点就可以了:1.模板参数个数一致;2.只要template <...>里面有东西不是<>,比如typename T,那么特化时就得用到T;3....

Apache and Node.js on the Same Server

...or file handling (saving, editing, renaming, downloading, uploading files, etc.), he wants to use apache. So, I must: 10 A...

What is the best way to prevent session hijacking?

...to notify the user of why they're being challenged // for login again, etc. } What this does is capture 'contextual' information about the user's session, pieces of information which should not change during the life of a single session. A user isn't going to be at a computer in the US and in ...

乐视全员合伙人制的背后 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...论证与模型优化才最终成型。 上述人士称,在解决上述问题的过程中,乐视一直坚持了四个原则,就是希望给予员工“最具&lsquo;合伙人&rsquo;精神的激励计划”、“最慷慨的激励额度”、“最彻底的价值分享”以及“最具生态...

WhatsApp如何成为销售钻戒的店面? - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...览器(主要针对安卓用户)推出了其应用的桌面版本后,该问题得以解决。 皮瑞安科夫另外有一部手机,专门用于在WhatsApp上与顾客交流,并将其跟三位销售人员的PC相连接。现在,无论他们何时与顾客交流,他们都能让办公室里...

Facebook share button and custom text [closed]

...ttp://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=YOUR_URL"&gt;Facebook&lt;/a&gt; etc. – Mateng Sep 6 '12 at 9:39 Perfect, th...

How to use CURL via a proxy?

...ive a directory containing a set of valid root certification authorities (/etc/ssl/certs on Debian/Ubuntu, for example) – Ale Sep 29 '18 at 17:16 add a comment ...