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How should I store GUID in MySQL tables?

...above and when I convert them back using the same methods the guid that is selected is not the one that was inserted. What is transforming the guid? All I've done is copied the code from above. – vsdev Dec 17 '15 at 14:53 ...

What is the difference between char, nchar, varchar, and nvarchar in SQL Server?

...人民共和国',N'中华人民共和国'), (N'abc',N'abc'); SELECT C1, C2, LEN(C1) AS [LEN(C1)], DATALENGTH(C1) AS [DATALENGTH(C1)], LEN(C2) AS [LEN(C2)], DATALENGTH(C2) AS [DATALENGTH(C2)] FROM @T Returns Note that the 华 and ...

How to create Temp table with SELECT * INTO tempTable FROM CTE Query

...Time, EventRecurring Bit, EventType int ) ;WITH Calendar AS (SELECT /*...*/) Insert Into #Temp Select EventID, EventStartDate, EventEndDate, PlannedDate as [EventDates], Cast(PlannedDate As datetime) AS DT, Cast(EventStartTime As time) AS ST,Cast(EventEndTime As time) AS ET, EventTitl...

In VIM, how do I break one really long line into multiple lines?

... format the line that {motion} moves over {Visual}gq % format the visually selected area gqq % format the current line ... I'd suggest you check out :help gq and :help gw. Also setting textwidth (tw) will give you auto line break when exceeded during typing. It is used in gq too, though if...

Rank function in MySQL

... One option is to use a ranking variable, such as the following: SELECT first_name, age, gender, @curRank := @curRank + 1 AS rank FROM person p, (SELECT @curRank := 0) r ORDER BY age; The (SELECT @curRank := 0) part allows the variable initializatio...

How does the main() method work in C?

...stom-generate the __start function (or whatever it is called), or at least select one from several pre-compiled alternatives. Information could be stored in the object file about which of the supported forms of main is being used. The linker can look at this info, and select the correct version of ...

Removing leading zeroes from a field in a SQL statement

... VARCHAR(10) field. So, for example, if the field contains '00001A', the SELECT statement needs to return the data as '1A'. ...

Calculate a MD5 hash from a string

... ( Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(observedText) ) select ba.ToString("x2") ); } share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Most efficient way to remove special characters from string

...formance is highly important, I recommend you to do some benchmarks before selecting the "regex path"... share | improve this answer | follow | ...

What does the C++ standard state the size of int, long type to be?

...header for them, download or make one, preferably with either compile time selection of such types or static assertions to verify the size. pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695299/basedefs/stdint.h.html If the precise sizes aren't so important and you only care they're at least that big, then your...