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str performance in python
While profiling a piece of python code ( python 2.6 up to 3.2 ), I discovered that the
str method to convert an object (in my case an integer) to a string is almost an order of magnitude slower than using string formatting.
No module named setuptools
I want to install setup file of twilio. When I install it through given command it is given me an error:
5 Answers
Is 0 a decimal literal or an octal literal?
Zero is always zero, so it doesn't matter. But in a recent discussion with a friend he said that octal literals are almost unused today. † Then it dawned upon me that actually almost all integer literals in my code are octal, namely 0 .
How do you push a Git tag to a branch using a refspec?
I want to force push, for example, my tag 1.0.0 to my remote master branch.
4 Answers
What is __gxx_personality_v0 for?
This is a second-hand question from an OS development site, but it made me curious since I couldn't find a decent explanation anywhere.
show all tags in git log
Why does git log --decorate not display more than one tag per commit?
3 Answers
Difference between exit(0) and exit(1) in Python
What's the difference between exit(0) and exit(1) in Python?
5 Answers
Scala constructor overload?
How do you provide overloaded constructors in Scala?
5 Answers
What is the bower (and npm) version syntax?
Bower enables me to specify version requirements for packages using the following syntax:
5 Answers