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Ora-00257 错误处理一列 - 数据库(内核) - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

... 没有问题 查看权限 ll .bash_profile -rw--rw--- 1 oracle oinstall 529 10鏈?24 20:18 /home/oracle/.bash_profile 有问题。修改权限 chmod 775 /home/oracle/.bash_profile 进入ORLACE sqlplus /as sysdba SQL> select * from v$log; GROUP# THREAD# SEQUE...

Do try/catch blocks hurt performance when exceptions are not thrown?

... { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } finally { d = Math.Sin(d); } } w.Stop(); Console.Write(" try/catch/finally: "); Console.WriteLine(w.ElapsedMilliseconds); w.Reset(); d = 0; w.Start(); for (int i = ...

Inverse dictionary lookup in Python

...o guarantee that it returns a single value and it does not need to be lexically first only that it be the first match and that it's behavior is stable (multiple calls on same dict over time should yield same matching element). Unless dictionaries rearrange their unmodified hashes over time as other...

What is the GAC in .NET?

... Right, so basically it's a way to keep DLLs globally accessible without worrying about conflicts. No more DLL Hell. Each architecture and version gets it's own place to live. It also gets it own way to browse it in Explorer, so if you go...

Chaining multiple filter() in Django, is this a bug?

I always assumed that chaining multiple filter() calls in Django was always the same as collecting them in a single call. 4...

Understanding __get__ and __set__ and Python descriptors

...th the Temperature class). For example: temp=Temperature() temp.celsius #calls celsius.__get__ Accessing the property you assigned the descriptor to (celsius in the above example) calls the appropriate descriptor method. instance in __get__ is the instance of the class (so above, __get__ would r...

Why prefer two's complement over sign-and-magnitude for signed numbers?

...o add them. Two's complement addition is very simple. You add numbers normally and any carry bit at the end is discarded. So they're added as follows: 0010 + 1111 =10001 = 0001 (discard the carry) 0001 is 1, which is the expected result of "2+(-1)". But in your "intuitive" method, adding is m...

Relative imports in Python 2.7

... not determine what package Python thinks it is in. That depends, additionally, on how you load the file into Python (by running or by importing). There are two ways to load a Python file: as the top-level script, or as a module. A file is loaded as the top-level script if you execute it directl...

How to darken a background using CSS?

....png); } Reference: linear-gradient() - CSS | MDN UPDATE: Not all browsers support RGBa, so you should have a 'fallback color'. This color will be most likely be solid (fully opaque) ex:background:rgb(96, 96, 96). Refer to this blog for RGBa browser support. ...

廉价共享存储解决方案1-drbd+ha+nfs - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...缓存的情况下可能会报目录不存在的错误,无视 yum clean all yum makecache 3安装drbd(share1和2上操作) 3.1 准备编译环境 yum -y install gcc make automake autoconf flex rpm-build kernel-devel 3.2 上传解压源文件 利用xftp 把 drbd-8.4.6.tar.gz,d...