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How to get all registered routes in Express?

I have a web application built using Node.js and Express. Now I would like to list all registered routes with their appropriate methods. ...

How do you add an in-app purchase to an iOS application?

How do you add an in-app purchase to an iOS app? What are all the details and is there any sample code? 5 Answers ...

Reset push notification settings for app

I am developing an app with push notifications. To check all possible ways of user interaction, I'd like to test my app when a user declines to have push notifications enabled for my app during the first start. ...

Error type 3 Error: Activity class {} does not exist

...s menu on android, click on "Invalidate Caches / Restart..." uninstall the app on your phone and try again) And everything worked fine! I think the key is to restart your IDE. Hope this helps you or anyone else! Edit 1: If the above steps don't work for you, then deleting Gradle cache seems to...

Securely storing environment variables in GAE with app.yaml

I need to store API keys and other sensitive information in app.yaml as environment variables for deployment on GAE. The issue with this is that if I push app.yaml to GitHub, this information becomes public (not good). I don't want to store the info in a datastore as it does not suit the project...

Tips for a successful AppStore submission? [closed]

In a day or two I'll be ready to submit my iPhone app to the AppStore and I'm curious whether people who have gone through this process have any tips / suggestions for a smooth submission process. ...

When should Flask.g be used?

I saw that g will move from the request context to the app context in Flask 0.10, which made me confused about the intended use of g . ...

Where to find Application Loader app in Mac?

I have downloaded applicationloader_1.3.dmg and installed in the destination Macintosh HD. 15 Answers ...

Express.js - app.listen vs server.listen

...tion but I simply don't get it. What is the difference between creating an app using Express.js and starting the app listening on port 1234, for example: ...

App Inventor 2 连接调试器的几种方式的比较 - App Inventor 2 中文网 - 清...

App Inventor 2 连接调试器的几种方式的比较app_inventor_2_debug从功能上来说大致分为3类,即:但是每种类型下面仍有一些不同的选择,下面开始介绍各种连接方式的特点。连接方式测试介质特点AI伴侣Android手机特别适合小朋友,简单...