大约有 9,500 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0306秒) [XML]


what is Promotional and Feature graphic in Android Market/Play Store?

What does it mean and need whether we are uploading our app into the market? Please Explain or give me a related links. 7 A...

process.env.NODE_ENV is undefined

... you might add that if NODE_ENV is not set the app behaves like in "development" mode – Rocco Sep 21 '13 at 20:53 1 ...

How to change line color in EditText

...ponents such as EditText or spinner with your own colours for your Android application. It will generate all necessary nine patch assets plus associated XML drawable and styles which you can copy straight into your project. http://android-holo-colors.com/ UPDATE 1 This domain seems expired but the...

Android app in Eclipse: Edit text not showing on Graphical layout

I am trying to add a text field onto my Android app in Eclipse, but then I drag the Plain text option on to the graphical layout, a message at the bottom comes up. It reads Exception raised during rendering: java.lang.System.arraycopy([CI[CII)V Exception details are logged in Window > Show Vie...

How can a web application send push notifications to iOS devices? [closed]

I'm working on a web app. How can I send push notifications to iOS users when there is new content? 11 Answers ...

Configuration System Failed to Initialize

... Make sure that your config file (web.config if web, or app.config if windows) in your project starts as: <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration> <configSections> <sectionGroup name="applicationSettings" type="System.Configura...

Build unsigned APK file with Android Studio

I'm developing an android app with the Android Developer Tool. Now I tried the new Android Studio, everything works fine if connect my smartphone with the pc and directly run the program in the Android Studio. But now I want to test the program with other smartphones without connecting them to my pc...

How to pre-populate the sms body text via an html link

How to use an html link to open the sms app with a pre-filled body? 20 Answers 20 ...

What is a fat JAR? [duplicate]

... The different names are just ways of packaging java apps. Skinny – Contains ONLY the bits you literally type into your code editor, and NOTHING else. Thin – Contains all of the above PLUS the app’s direct dependencies of your app (db drivers, utility libraries, etc). ...

How do I discover memory usage of my application in Android?

How can I find the memory used on my Android application, programmatically? 9 Answers ...