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What is the difference between client-side and server-side programming?

...php echo 42; ?>; alert(baz); </script> Step 1, PHP executes all code between <?php ?> tags. The result is this: <script type="text/javascript"> var foo = 'bar'; var baz = 42; alert(baz); </script> The file_put_contents call did not result in anything,...

apc vs eaccelerator vs xcache

Im doing research on which one of these to use and I can't really find one that stands out. Eaccelerator is faster than APC , but APC is better maintained. Xcache is faster but the others have easier syntax. ...

PHP, get file name without file extension

... No need for all that. Check out pathinfo(), it gives you all the components of your path. Example from the manual: $path_parts = pathinfo('/www/htdocs/index.html'); echo $path_parts['dirname'], "\n"; echo $path_parts['basename'], "\n"...

How does RewriteBase work in .htaccess

... want to clear up some details on htaccess.. does a ReWriteBase set it for all rules in the htaccess following what its declaration? is there a way to unset it, can it be reset? – Damon Apr 25 '13 at 15:32 ...

How to configure XAMPP to send mail from localhost?

...mail\sendmail.exe\" -t" Now Open C:\xampp\sendmail\sendmail.ini. Replace all the existing code in sendmail.ini with following code [sendmail] smtp_server=smtp.gmail.com smtp_port=587 error_logfile=error.log debug_logfile=debug.log auth_username=my-gmail-id@gmail.com auth_password=my-gmail-passwo...

Best PHP IDE for Mac? (Preferably free!) [closed]

...wdown on Mac IDE's for PHP NetBeans Free! Plus, the best functionality of all offerings. Includes inline database connections, code completion, syntax checking, color coding, split views etc. Downside: It's a memory hog on the Mac. Be prepared to allow half a gig of memory then you'll need to shu...

Show a number to two decimal places

... All the other answers are limited to decimal values with a dot notation. When you need to get 520,00 instead of 520.00, this simply works. – SPRBRN May 8 '14 at 15:06 ...

How does the SQL injection from the “Bobby Tables” XKCD comic work?

...t'); DROP TABLE STUDENTS; --) and the last name textbox LName.Text (let's call it Derper) are concatenated with the rest of the query, the result is now actually two queries separated by the statement terminator (semicolon). The second query has been injected into the first. When the code executes...

php execute a background process

...er-side script in whatever language (php/bash/perl/etc) is handy and then call it from the process control functions in your php script. The function probably detects if standard io is used as the output stream and if it is then that will set the return value..if not then it ends proc_close( proc...

Where do I put image files, css, js, etc. in Codeigniter?

....php: function asset_url(){ return base_url().'assets/'; } I will usually keep common routines similar to this in the same file and autoload it with codeigniter's autoload configuration. Note: autoload URL helper for base_url() access. application/config/autoload.php: $autoload['helper...