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Creating an API for mobile applications - Authentication and Authorization

...looking into different mechanisms for authentication and authorization for web-based APIs (by studying other implementations). I've got my head wrapped around most of the fundamental concepts but am still looking for guidance in a few areas. The last thing I want to do is reinvent the wheel, but I...

How can I find unused images and CSS styles in a website? [closed]

... You don't have to pay any web service or search for an addon, you already have this in Google Chrome under F12 (Inspector)->Audits->Remove unused CSS rules Screenshot: Update: 30 Jun, 2017 Now Chrome 59 provides CSS and JS code coverage. See ...

URLs: Dash vs. Underscore [closed]

... @GerardONeill citation: this video by Google Webmasters: youtube.com/watch?v=AQcSFsQyct8. Per that video (admittedly now 6 years old and possibly not representing the contemporary status quo), foo_bar is treated as a single word while foo-bar is treated as two words - p...


... I think the cleanest way is as described here on IIS-aid.com. It's web.config only and so if you change server you don't have to remember all the steps you went through with the 403.4 custom error page or other special permissions, it just works. <configuration> <system.webServer...

What is App.config in C#.NET? How to use it?

...topic, but very powerful for building strongly-typed configuration files. Web applications typically have a web.config, while Windows GUI/service applications have an app.config file. Application-level config files inherit settings from global configuration files, e.g. the machine.config. Reading...

What are MVP and MVC and what is the difference?

...tends to be a very natural pattern for achieving separated presentation in WebForms. The reason is that the View is always created first by the ASP.NET runtime. You can find out more about both variants. Two primary variations Passive View: The View is as dumb as possible and contains almost zero lo...

How to Sync iPhone Core Data with web server, and then push to other devices? [closed]

... andServerUrl: kWebsiteUrl andServerReceiverScriptName: kServerReceiverScript andServerFetcherScriptName: kServerFetcherScript ...

log4net vs. Nlog

...e Client Profiles of .NET 3.5 SP1 and .NET 4, because it references System.Web. Just wanted to point that out, although it's actually closely related to 'with a dependency on Log4Net, use Log4Net.' – Simon D. Jun 12 '10 at 7:47 ...

Comparison of CI Servers? [closed]

...question like this is complete without a link to the big CI Feature Matrix(Web Archive) which lists just about every CI option out there. But I think it is important to look ahead to the scope of what you want to include in your CI system. Is it going to be just builds or are you going to be bringi...

How to use JNDI DataSource provided by Tomcat in Spring?

.../GlobalNamingResources> And reference the JNDI resource from Tomcat's web context.xml like this: <ResourceLink name="jdbc/DatabaseName" global="jdbc/DatabaseName" type="javax.sql.DataSource"/> Reference documentation: Tomcat 8 JNDI Datasource HOW-TO Tomcat 8 Context Resource ...