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What is the string length of a GUID?

I want to create a varchar column in SQL that should contain N'guid' while guid is a generated GUID by .NET ( Guid.NewGuid ) - class System.Guid. ...

Get Android Phone Model programmatically

...talize(String str) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) { return str; } char[] arr = str.toCharArray(); boolean capitalizeNext = true; StringBuilder phrase = new StringBuilder(); for (char c : arr) { if (capitalizeNext && Character.isLetter(c)) { phrase.append(Character.t...

How does grep run so fast?

... how far ahead it can skip in the input whenever it finds a non-matching character. GNU grep also unrolls the inner loop of Boyer-Moore, and sets up the Boyer-Moore delta table entries in such a way that it doesn't need to do the loop exit test at every unrolled step. The result of this ...

“Unknown class in Interface Builder file” error at runtime

...n't need to recreate the files. Using XCode 4, in the Project Navigator, select the .m file that contains the class that it is complaining about Go to View->Utilities->Show File Inspector(this will show the File Inspector to the right, with that .m-file info) Open the Target Membership secti...

Detect if stdin is a terminal or pipe?

...e: #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (isatty(fileno(stdin))) puts("stdin is connected to a terminal"); else puts("stdin is NOT connected to a terminal"); return 0; } The following section compares different methods that can be u...

How do you pass a function as a parameter in C?

...&dosomething; func(); For a function that returns an int and takes a char you would do typedef int (*functiontype2)(char); and to use it int dosomethingwithchar(char a) { return 1; } functiontype2 func2 = &dosomethingwithchar int result = func2('a'); There are libraries that can hel...

Why do I get “a label can only be part of a statement and a declaration is not a statement” if I hav

...("Hello "); goto Cleanup; Cleanup: ; //This is an empty statement. char *str = "World\n"; printf("%s\n", str); } share | improve this answer | follow ...

Is an array name a pointer?

...no storage is materialized for a separate pointer or any metadata. Given char a[10]; what you get in memory is +---+ a: | | a[0] +---+ | | a[1] +---+ | | a[2] +---+ ... +---+ | | a[9] +---+ The expression a refers to the entire array, but there's no obj...

What is the point of function pointers?

...at, float) -> float function typedef int (TMyClass::*pt2Member)(float, char, char); // defines a symbol pt2Member, pointer to a (float, char, char) -> int function // belonging to the class TMyClass The only time I have ever seen function pointers used where functors could not was in Bo...

What character encoding should I use for a HTTP header?

I'm using a "fun" HTML special-character (✰)(see http://html5boilerplate.com/ for more info) for a Server HTTP-header and am wondering if it is "allowed" per spec. ...