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Minimizing NExpectation for a custom distribution in Mathematica

... As far as I see, the problem is (as you already wrote), that MeanResidualLife takes a long time to compute, even for a single evaluation. Now, the FindMinimum or similar functions try to find a minimum to the function. Finding a minimum requires either to set the first derivative of the function...

Underscore vs Double underscore with variables and methods [duplicate]

... Explanation: People coming from a C++/Java background are especially prone to overusing/misusing this "feature". But __private names don't work the same way as in Java or C++. They just trigger a name mangling whose purpose is to prevent accidental namespace collisions in subclasses...

Why doesn't Python have a sign function?

... it wasn't accepted, because they didn't agree on what it should return in all the edge cases (+/-0, +/-nan, etc) So they decided to implement only copysign, which (although more verbose) can be used to delegate to the end user the desired behavior for edge cases - which sometimes might require the...

Scala type programming resources

...programming, the computation occurs at compile time. I will try to draw parallels between programming at the value-level and programming at the type-level. Paradigms There are two main paradigms in type-level programming: "object-oriented" and "functional". Most examples linked to from here follow...

How to calculate the difference between two dates using PHP?

...ferred way of doing this is like described by jurka below. My code is generally only recommended if you don't have PHP 5.3 or better. Several people in the comments have pointed out that the code above is only an approximation. I still believe that for most purposes that's fine, since the usage of...

Flask-SQLAlchemy import/context issue

...: # fields here pass And then in your application setup you can call init_app: # apps.application.py from flask import Flask from apps.members.models import db app = Flask(__name__) # later on db.init_app(app) This way you can avoid cyclical imports. This pattern does not necessitate ...

Repeat string to certain length

... that need to be // in Python 3? Or dropping the +1 and using an explicit call to a ceiling function would suffice. Also, a note: the string generated actually has an extra repetition when it divides evenly; the extra gets cut off by the splice. That confused me at first. – jpm...

How to invoke the super constructor in Python?

In all other languages I've worked with the super constructor is invoked implicitly. How does one invoke it in Python? I would expect super(self) but this doesn't work. ...

Remove duplicate elements from array in Ruby

... array = array.uniq uniq removes all duplicate elements and retains all unique elements in the array. This is one of many beauties of the Ruby language. share | ...

How can I maintain fragment state when added to the back stack?

... back stack. However, when I return to FragmentA (by pressing back), a totally new FragmentA is created and the state it was in is lost. I get the feeling I'm after the same thing as this question, but I've included a complete code sample to help root out the issue: ...