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How does deriving work in Haskell?

Algebraic Data Types (ADTs) in Haskell can automatically become instances of some typeclasse s (like Show , Eq ) by deriving from them. ...

How do I check if there are duplicates in a flat list?

... Use set() to remove duplicates if all values are hashable: >>> your_list = ['one', 'two', 'one'] >>> len(your_list) != len(set(your_list)) True share | ...

Comparing strings with == which are declared final in Java

...nal and initialized with a compile-time constant expression (§15.28), is called a constant variable. Also from JLS §15.28 - Constant Expression: Compile-time constant expressions of type String are always "interned" so as to share unique instances, using the method String#intern(). This ...

Determine if 2 lists have the same elements, regardless of order? [duplicate]

... helper function. Note that it will be quite slow (O(n²)) and should generally not be used outside of the esoteric case of unhashable and unsortable elements. def equal_ignore_order(a, b): """ Use only when elements are neither hashable nor sortable! """ unmatched = list(b) for element...

Python, creating objects

... = "" age = 0 major = "" # The class "constructor" - It's actually an initializer def __init__(self, name, age, major): self.name = name self.age = age self.major = major def make_student(name, age, major): student = Student(name, age, major) return...

In what areas might the use of F# be more appropriate than C#? [closed]

... sweet spot for the language within enterprise software, namely algorithmically complex analysis of large data sets. My experience has been a very positive one. In particular: Units of measure The industry I work in is littered with units. The equations I implemented (often of a geometric nature) d...

Stop pip from failing on single package when installing with requirements.txt

I am installing packages from requirements.txt 6 Answers 6 ...

Access multiple elements of list knowing their index

...3, 8, 5, 6]) b = [1, 2, 5] print(list(a[b])) # Result: [1, 5, 5] But really, your current solution is fine. It's probably the neatest out of all of them. share | improve this answer | ...

Regular expression to find URLs within a string

... It's 2017, and unicode domain names are all over the place. \w may not match international symbols (depends on regex engine), the range is needed instead: a-zA-Z0-9\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF. – Michael Antipin Aug...

What is your favorite C programming trick? [closed]

... C99 offers some really cool stuff using anonymous arrays: Removing pointless variables { int yes=1; setsockopt(yourSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes, sizeof(int)); } becomes setsockopt(yourSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR...