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- App应用开发 - 清泛IT社区,为创新赋能!

经过测试,使用透明背景的 .png 图片作为App的图标,可以实现镂空效果: 比如:app.png 使用看图软件打开的效果,表明背景是透明色的: 安装App到手机的效果:

AppInventor2关闭屏幕时,如何让计时器继续工作? - App应用开发 - 清泛IT...

转:AppInventor2关闭屏幕时,如何让计时器继续工作? 这是一个很好的问题,通过查看文档可以看到有一个“一直计时”属性,默认是勾选的: 这个属性就是用来控制App后台运行/屏幕关闭时,计时器是否继续工作的。 经...

How to send emails from my Android application?

I am developing an application in Android. I don't know how to send an email from the application? 21 Answers ...

Using gradle to find dependency tree

... For Android, use this line gradle app:dependencies or if you have a gradle wrapper: ./gradlew app:dependencies where app is your project module. Additionally, if you want to check if something is compile vs. testCompile vs androidTestCompile dependency...

UISegmentedControl below UINavigationbar in iOS 7

...turn UIBarPositionTopAttached in positionForBar:. You can see in the store app, if you perform an interactive pop gesture, that the segment bar does not move the same as the navigation bar. That's because they are not the same bar. Now to remove the hairline. The "hairline" is an UIImageView that...

Tracking Google Analytics Page Views with AngularJS

I'm setting up a new app using AngularJS as the frontend. Everything on the client side is done with HTML5 pushstate and I'd like to be able to track my page views in Google Analytics. ...

How to append text to a text file in C++?

How to append text to a text file in C++? And create a new text file if it does not already exist and append text to it if it does exist. ...

How to tell which version of a gem a rails app is using

I'm investigating a rails app - the prod server has two version of a specific gem installed, how can I tell which version the prod app is using? ...

Fragment MyFragment not attached to Activity

I've created a small test app which represents my problem. I'm using ActionBarSherlock to implement tabs with (Sherlock)Fragments. ...

Difference between adjustResize and adjustPan in android?

...ite a code which is used to re-size the UI components when soft-keyboard appears. When I use adjustResize, it res-size the UI components and at the same time adjustPan gave me same output. I want to know the difference between them and when to use each component? Which one(adjustPan or adjus...