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如何建立一套适合自己的高胜算交易系统 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术


How do I obtain crash-data from my Android application?

... just Crash reporting but this is not the right place to talk new features etc. – PanosJee Sep 9 '13 at 10:20 Tried it...

How to check for null in Twig?

...ow) to check whether a variable is empty (null, false, empty string/array, etc): {% if var|default is empty %} share | improve this answer | follow | ...

What does $1 [QSA,L] mean in my .htaccess file?

...This will capture requests for files like version, release, and README.md, etc. which should be treated either as endpoints, if defined (as in the case of /release), or as "not found." share | impro...

What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another program

...plication of translation rules, regeneration of source text with comments, etc., all parameterized by explicit definitions of computer languages. The amount of machinery you need to do this well is vast (especially if you want to be able to do this for multiple languages in a general way), and then...

What is the difference between statically typed and dynamically typed languages?

...he type is associated with run-time values, and not named variables/fields/etc. This means that you as a programmer can write a little quicker because you do not have to specify types every time (unless using a statically-typed language with type inference). Examples: Perl, Ruby, Python, PHP, Java...

How to terminate the script in JavaScript?

...opagation(); // e.preventDefault(); // Stop for the form controls, etc., too? } for (i=0; i < handlers.length; i++) { window.addEventListener(handlers[i], function (e) {stopPropagation(e);}, true); } if (window.stop) { window.stop(); } throw ''; }...

快速理解 高频对冲套利自动交易(程式化交易) - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注...

...的都是浮亏的。直到浮亏变盈。) 你的理解大体上没有问题。与以往单向投机的区别是:我并非在某个价位上有多笔持仓浮亏,而是,每一个持仓浮亏单,均是不同价格,且由于是对冲套利持仓,不担心绝对价格的暴涨暴跌,...

MySQL, Check if a column exists in a table with SQL

...ve to wrap the whole thing in a procedure which allows statements like IF, etc. See stackoverflow.com/questions/7384711/… for an example of how to wrap a procedure around the test for the column and the conditional DML statement. – Christopher Schultz Jul 23 ...

How do I check if a string contains a specific word?

... === is best option (in my opinion) all aspect considered (speed, accuracy etc). – Melsi Dec 15 '12 at 12:28 10 ...