大约有 2,700 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0316秒) [XML]
Fastest sort of fixed length 6 int array
...static int seed = 76521;
while (n--) *a++ = (seed = seed *1812433253 + 12345);
#define NTESTS 4096
int main() {
int i;
int d[6*NTESTS];
ran_fill(6*NTESTS, d);
unsigned long long cycles = rdtsc();
for (i = 0; i < 6*NTESTS ; i+=6) {
Reference: Comparing PHP's print and echo
echo 125;
ECHO 125
multi-value echo compiles to multiple opcodes
echo 123, 456;
ECHO 123
ECHO 456
Note that multi-value echo doesn't concatenate its arguments, but outputs them one-by-one.
Reference: zend_do_print, zend_do_echo.
Runtime differences
ZEND_PRINT is implemented as follows (ps...
What's the fastest way to merge/join data.frames in R?
...bases as well.
N <- 1e5
d1 <- data.frame(x=sample(N,N), y1=rnorm(N))
d2 <- data.frame(x=sample(N,N), y2=rnorm(N))
g1 <- sample(1:1000, N, replace = TRUE)
g2<- sample(1:1000, N, replace = TRUE)
d <- data.frame(d1, g1,...
Perl build, unit testing, code coverage: A complete working example
...tTestCall3, "false", "argumentTest() IS false test");
# Test argumentTest(123)
my $argumentTestCall4 = HelloPerlBuildWorld::argumentTest(123);
is($argumentTestCall4, "unknown", "argumentTest() IS unknown test");
Now back up in your top level project directory, create a text file named "Build.PL"...
Subdomain on different host [closed]
...records has to be setup on the dns for the domain e.g
mydomain.com has IP 123.456.789.999 and hosted with Godaddy. Now to get the sub domain
of which the site is actually on another server then
login to Godaddy and add an A record dnsimple anothersite.mydomain.com and po...
Replace spaces with dashes and make all letters lower-case
...re at the beginning, they won't be replaced
– Bonjour123
Aug 1 '19 at 21:13
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How to write URLs in Latex? [closed]
... This does not work correctly for me. For example, \url{https://asdfg.com\#123} produces # in text, however, the actual link it produces is https://asdfg.com%23123.
– MaxPowers
Aug 2 at 13:23
Locate Git installation folder on Mac OS X
The installer from the git homepage installs into /usr/local/git by default. See also this ans...
C# convert int to string with padding zeros?
int i=123;
string paddedI = i.ToString("D4");
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How to convert list to string [duplicate]
...pace between the quotes). Otherwise, you end up with a contiguous string ("123" instead of "1 2 3"). This is OK if that was the intention, but needs to be mentioned in the response.
– Bogdan
May 9 '16 at 19:43