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What does Docker add to lxc-tools (the userspace LXC tools)?

...rface, design philosophy and documentation. By contrast, the lxc helper scripts focus on containers as lightweight machines - basically servers that boot faster and need less ram. We think there's more to containers than just that. Automatic build. Docker includes a tool for developers to automatica...


...of both MPICH and Open-MPI are working on shared-memory, Ethernet (via TCP/IP), Mellanox InfiniBand, Intel Omni Path, and likely other networks. Open-MPI also supports both of these networks and others natively (i.e. without OFI in the middle). In the past, a common complaint about MPICH is that i...

What are the key differences between Apache Thrift, Google Protocol Buffers, MessagePack, ASN.1 and

...ready a JSON library. Again, as with most wheel-reinventing protocol description systems, Avro is also not standardized. Personally, despite my love/hate relationship with it, I'd probably use ASN.1 for most RPC and message transmission purposes, although it doesn't really have an RPC stack (you'd...

Do login forms need tokens against CSRF attacks?

... for privacy violations like that. Perhaps, but to quote the section in Wikipedia's CSRF article: Login CSRF makes various novel attacks possible; for instance, an attacker can later log in to the site with his legitimate credentials and view private information like activity history that ha...

Differences between socket.io and websockets

... browser: WebSocket Client WebSocket client example using vanilla JavaScript: var l = document.getElementById('l'); var log = function (m) { var i = document.createElement('li'); i.innerText = new Date().toISOString()+' '+m; l.appendChild(i); } log('opening websocket connection'); var...

How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter? [closed]

...) Uses potentially unsafe md5 hashing Failed login attempts only stored by IP, not by username - unsafe! Autologin key not hashed in the database - practically as unsafe as storing passwords in cleartext! Role system is a complete mess: is_admin function with hard-coded role names, is_role a complet...

Local Storage vs Cookies

... this data — the client or the server? If it's your client (your JavaScript), then by all means switch. You're wasting bandwidth by sending all the data in each HTTP header. If it's your server, local storage isn't so useful because you'd have to forward the data along somehow (with Ajax or hidd...

The new keyword “auto”; When should it be used to declare a variable type? [duplicate]

...lt;int>, foam::composition::expression<int>, foam::operators::multiply>> s = x * x; //square foam::composition::expression<foam::composition::details::binary_expression<foam::composition::expression<foam::composition::details::binary_expression<foam::composition::expressio...

How do emulators work and how are they written? [closed]

...ou'd also have a 16-bit PC register. With interpretation, you start at the IP (instruction pointer -- also called PC, program counter) and read the instruction from memory. Your code parses this instruction and uses this information to alter processor state as specified by your processor. The core...

Why is there an “Authorization Code” flow in OAuth2 when “Implicit” flow works so well?

... - client side - so the only way to read the hash fragment is using JavaScript that runs on the page. This makes it possible to pass an Access Token directly to the client without the risk of it being intercepted by an intermediary server. This has the caveat of only being possible client side and...