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Programmatically Lighten or Darken a hex color (or rgb, and blend colors)

...nt. Just pass in a string like "3F6D2A" for the color ( col ) and a base10 integer ( amt ) for the amount to lighten or darken. To darken, pass in a negative number (i.e. -20 ). ...

Type-juggling and (strict) greater/lesser-than comparisons in PHP

... 208 +200 PHP's c...

What to use as an initial version? [closed]

I usually start my projects with a version 1.0.0. As soon as I have some stuff together, I release it as 1.0.0 and move on with 1.1.0. ...

Custom numeric format string to always display the sign

... 301 Yes, you can. There is conditional formatting. See Conditional formatting in MSDN eg: strin...

How can I check if an ip is in a network in Python?

Given an ip address (say, how do I check if it's in a network (say in Python? 27 Answers ...

Find the PID of a process that uses a port on Windows

... Local Address Foreign Address State PID TCP LISTENING 1111 share | improve this answer | f...

廉价共享存储解决方案1-drbd+ha+nfs - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...共享存储架构(主从模式) http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-25266990-id-3803277.html DRBD使用gfs2,cman实现双主分布式文件存储方案 http://blog.sae.sina.com.cn/archives/3609 2.1搭建实验环境了 所需要的软件 REHL 6.4 drbd-8.4.6.tar.gz drbd-utils-8....

How to use glOrtho() in OpenGL?

...window is resized: glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho(0.0f, windowWidth, windowHeight, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); This will remap the OpenGL coordinates into the equivalent pixel values (X going from 0 to windowWidth and Y going from 0 to windowHeight). Note that I've flipped the Y va...

No provider for “framework:jasmine”! (Resolving: framework:jasmine)

... message that no launcher was installed (see http://karma-runner.github.io/0.10/config/browsers.html). npm install karma-safari-launcher --save-dev My packages.json looked like this after my action: { "name": "test1", "version": "0.0.0", "dependencies": {}, "devDependencies": { "grunt...

Searching for UUIDs in text with regex

...e five equivalent string representations for a GUID: "ca761232ed4211cebacd00aa0057b223" "CA761232-ED42-11CE-BACD-00AA0057B223" "{CA761232-ED42-11CE-BACD-00AA0057B223}" "(CA761232-ED42-11CE-BACD-00AA0057B223)" "{0xCA761232, 0xED42, 0x11CE, {0xBA, 0xCD, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x57, 0xB2, 0x23}}" ...