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Why is the C++ STL is so heavily based on templates? (and not on *interfaces*)

I mean, aside from its obligating name (the Standard Template Library)... 13 Answers 1...

Limit file format when using ?

...utton in the <input type="file"> element in HTML. I have a feeling it's impossible, but I'd like to know if there is a solution. I'd like to keep solely to HTML and JavaScript; no Flash please. ...

What's wrong with cplusplus.com?

This is perhaps not a perfectly suitable forum for this question, but let me give it a shot, at the risk of being moved away. ...

Error: Cannot access file bin/Debug/… because it is being used by another process

...ld problem, something that still pops up in Visual Studio once in a while. It's bitten me a couple of times and I've lost hours restarting and fighting with VS. I'm sure it's been discussed here on SO more than once. It's also been talked about on the MSDN forums. There isn't an actual solution, but...

When do you use the “this” keyword? [closed]

I was curious about how other people use the this keyword. I tend to use it in constructors, but I may also use it throughout the class in other methods. Some examples: ...

Is it abusive to use IDisposable and “using” as a means for getting “scoped behavior” for exception

... often used back in C++ was letting a class A handle a state entry and exit condition for another class B , via the A constructor and destructor, to make sure that if something in that scope threw an exception, then B would have a known state when the scope was exited. This isn't pure RAII as f...

Why does C++ need a separate header file?

I've never really understood why C++ needs a separate header file with the same functions as in the .cpp file. It makes creating classes and refactoring them very difficult, and it adds unnecessary files to the project. And then there is the problem with having to include header files, but having to...

Position Relative vs Absolute?

What is the difference between position: relative and position: absolute in CSS? And when should you use them? 10 Answe...

Practical non-image based CAPTCHA approaches?

It looks like we'll be adding CAPTCHA support to Stack Overflow. This is necessary to prevent bots, spammers, and other malicious scripted activity. We only want human beings to post or edit things here! ...

Is it safe to delete a void pointer?

... It depends on "safe." It will usually work because information is stored along with the pointer about the allocation itself, so the deallocator can return it to the right place. In this sense it is "safe" as long as your al...