大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0663秒) [XML]


Set color of TextView span in Android

...er Study Explain the meaning of Span flags like SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE Android Spanned, SpannedString, Spannable, SpannableString and CharSequence share | improve this answer | ...

Singletons vs. Application Context in Android?

... several problems of using singletons and having seen several examples of Android applications using singleton pattern, I wonder if it's a good idea to use Singletons instead of single instances shared through global application state (subclassing android.os.Application and obtaining it through con...

Android: how to handle button click

Having a solid experience in non-Java and non-Android area, I'm learning Android. 10 Answers ...

Any good ORM tools for Android development? [closed]

Anyone working on the Android ('gPhone') have or know of a place where I can find a good ORM tool for it? The code is written in Java, and the database is SQLite. What I would like to find is a tool that given the object definition, can auto-generate the tables and the CRUD functions (that would be ...

Android emulator-5554 offline

...ht click on it and click on end process tree. In eclipse, go to Window>Android Virtual Device Manager, click on the AVD you want to launch, click on start and uncheck "Launch From Snapshot" and then click on launch. That's it! It will take a while and it should resolve your problem. ...

Is it possible to declare a variable in Gradle usable in Java?

...wo ways to pass value from Gradle to use in Java; Generate Java Constants android { buildTypes { debug { buildConfigField "int", "FOO", "42" buildConfigField "String", "FOO_STRING", "\"foo\"" buildConfigField "boolean", "LOG", "true" } ...

Get Android Phone Model programmatically

... to know if there is a way for reading the Phone Model programmatically in Android. 16 Answers ...

phonegap open link in browser

...oblem.. the solution is not working :( it opens just as a regular link (on android) – Daniel Nov 8 '13 at 13:53 ...

AsyncTask Android example

...omplete class edited below with all suggestions to save confusion. import android.app.Activity; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Bundle; import android.provider.Settings.System; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.TextView; import android.view...

Android REST client, Sample?

...please also take the time to examine some of the Rest client libraries for Android to see if they fit your use cases. The following is a list of some of the libraries I've evaluated. It is by no means intended to be an exhaustive list. Volley (this is from Google) RESTDroid RoboSpice Retrofit Ori...