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轻量级虚拟机Bochs - 软件下载 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...的配置。Bochs模拟的是整个PC平台,包括I O设备、内存和BIOS。更为有趣的是,甚至可以不使用PC硬件来运行Bochs。Bochs是一种十分轻便的使用c++编写的开源IA-32(x86)电脑模拟器,可以运行在最受欢迎的平台上。 它是一个x86硬件平台...

Why is there huge performance hit in 2048x2048 versus 2047x2047 array multiplication?

...ou will have typically have 1-8 cache locations for all of these. Thus almost all of those accesses will trigger an L1 cache eviction, and fetching of data from a slower cache or main memory. share | ...

In Docker, what's the difference between a container and an image? [duplicate]

...ated an instance from a Ubuntu image. So this Ubuntu is what people call "Host OS"? Let's say my system is running on CentOS. That's not the Host OS, correct? Also, will each container take copy of the Ubuntu image? I'm guessing no copy will be created because it will be heavy just like VMs. ...

How can Xcode 6 adaptive UIs be backwards-compatible with iOS 7 and iOS 6?

...e to the UI with Size Classes in Interface Builder DO appear correctly on iOS 7 devices and the Preview in Xcode. For example, I changed some Auto Layout constraints and font sizes for Regular height Regular width and those changed constraints are visible in the iPad Simulator running iOS 7.0. All ...

Run PHP Task Asynchronously

I work on a somewhat large web application, and the backend is mostly in PHP. There are several places in the code where I need to complete some task, but I don't want to make the user wait for the result. For example, when creating a new account, I need to send them a welcome email. But when they h...

How do I install from a local cache with pip?

...is problem. From the docs: pip2pi builds a PyPI-compatible package repository from pip requirements pip2pi allows you to create your own PyPI index by using two simple commands: To mirror a package and all of its requirements, use pip2tgz: $ cd /tmp/; mkdir package/ $ pip2tgz packages/ htt...

multiprocessing: How do I share a dict among multiple processes?

...ble than pyshmht library that uses tons of memory and doesn't work for Mac OS. Though my dict only works for plain strings and is immutable currently. I use linear probing implementation and store keys and values pairs in a separate memory block after the table. from mmap import mmap import struct ...

How to stop and restart memcached server?

How to stop and restart memcached server 1.4.5 in linux OS from command line? 12 Answers ...

How to mount a host directory in a Docker container

I am trying to mount a host directory into a Docker container so that any updates done on the host is reflected into the Docker containers. ...

How to redirect both stdout and stderr to a file [duplicate]

... answered Sep 23 '11 at 10:14 Costi CiudatuCosti Ciudatu 31.8k55 gold badges4949 silver badges8888 bronze badges ...