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Which characters are valid in CSS class names/selectors?

What characters/symbols are allowed within the CSS class selectors? I know that the following characters are invalid , but what characters are valid ? ...

Differences and relationship between glActiveTexture and glBindTexture

...ve "texture unit". Each texture unit can have multiple texture targets (usually GL_TEXTURE_1D, 2D, 3D or CUBE_MAP). 4 Answe...

Python __str__ versus __unicode__

...onfusing, but in 2.x we're stuck with them for compatibility reasons. Generally, you should put all your string formatting in __unicode__(), and create a stub __str__() method: def __str__(self): return unicode(self).encode('utf-8') In 3.0, str contains characters, so the same methods are nam...

Managing constructors with many parameters in Java

...ing to keep track of any kind of argument order, since any order of those calls will work equally well. share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Code Golf: Lasers

...is sitting on top of now. Since the laser emitter is to be treated like a wall, set this to be a wall to begin with. if (tr/v<^/>v</) { my $o; $o .= "\n" while s/.$/$o .= $&, ""/meg; tr,/\\,\\/, for $o, $s; $_ = $o; } If the laser beam is pointing any way except right, rotate...

How do I get Pyflakes to ignore a statement?

... # noqa only ignores certain warnings/errors, but not all -- in order to deal with this, a workaround involves installing/using the package at pypi.python.org/pypi/flake8-respect-noqa – Mark Jan 18 '16 at 0:15 ...

fs: how do I locate a parent folder?

... why? just generally why? can someone please explain? – eyurdakul May 16 '17 at 15:12 ...

Wolfram's Rule 34 in XKCD [closed]

The hover "joke" in #505 xkcd touts "I call rule 34 on Wolfram's Rule 34". 12 Answers ...

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _WinMain@16 referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartup

... This worked only after I selected "all configurations" for both platform and type. Selecting "build" on the "Solution" attempted to build all and the first one tried was NOT the one had specified for console subsystem. – Joseph Stateson ...

RuntimeError on windows trying python multiprocessing

...void creating subprocesses recursively. Modified testMain.py: import parallelTestModule if __name__ == '__main__': extractor = parallelTestModule.ParallelExtractor() extractor.runInParallel(numProcesses=2, numThreads=4) ...