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Class method differences in Python: bound, unbound and static

...n Python, there is a distinction between bound and unbound methods. Basically, a call to a member function (like method_one), a bound function a_test.method_one() is translated to Test.method_one(a_test) i.e. a call to an unbound method. Because of that, a call to your version of method_two ...

Change all files and folders permissions of a directory to 644/755

How would I change all files to 644 and all folders to 755 using chmod from the linux command prompt? (Terminal) 8 Answ...

How do I get a Cron like scheduler in Python? [closed]

... suppose this code is in scheduler.py. will this code run automatically ? – Kishan Mehta Mar 6 '17 at 11:40 31 ...

Why is Python 3.x's super() magic?

In Python 3.x, super() can be called without arguments: 1 Answer 1 ...

Reimport a module in python while interactive

... Redefinitions of names will override the old definitions, so this is generally not a problem, but if the new version of a module does not define a name that was defined by the old version, the old definition is not removed. If a module imports objects from another module using from ... import ..., ...

How do I get Pyflakes to ignore a statement?

... # noqa only ignores certain warnings/errors, but not all -- in order to deal with this, a workaround involves installing/using the package at pypi.python.org/pypi/flake8-respect-noqa – Mark Jan 18 '16 at 0:15 ...

What's the difference between a Python module and a Python package?

...stem in the reference documentation: It’s important to keep in mind that all packages are modules. – Martijn Pieters♦ Apr 23 '18 at 21:42 7 ...

Multi-line string with extra space (preserved indentation)

...sh documentation it doesn't seem to say anything one way or the other, but all the examples have it on its own line. – Andrew Miner Jan 18 '17 at 16:08 ...

Making custom right-click context menus for my web-app

...is through google as I did. I based my solution on @Andrew's one, but basically modified everything afterwards. EDIT: seeing how popular this has been lately, I decided to update also the styles to make it look more like 2014 and less like windows 95. I fixed the bugs @Quantico and @Trengot spotted...

What are good uses for Python3's “Function Annotations”

... I think this is actually great. Coming from an academic background, I can tell you that annotations have proved themselves invaluable for enabling smart static analyzers for languages like Java. For instance, you could define semantics like sta...