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What is the difference between RDF and OWL? [closed]

I am trying to grasp the concept of Semantic Web. I am finding it hard to understand what exactly is the difference between RDF and OWL. Is OWL an extension of RDF or these two are totally different technologies? ...

Disable Drag and Drop on HTML elements?

I'm working on a web application for which I'm attempting to implement a full featured windowing system. Right now it's going very well, I'm only running into one minor issue. Sometimes when I go to drag a part of my application (most often the corner div of my window, which is supposed to trigger a...

How to use Google App Engine with my own naked domain (not subdomain)?

...t; your app should be listed here. Click on it. myappid settings page > Web address > Add new URL Simply enter www and click Add Using your domain hosting provider's web interface, add a CNAME for www for your domain and point to ghs.googlehosted.com Now you have www.mydomain.com linked to y...

Django development IDE [closed]

...he best I came up with was setting up a run profile to run the development web server. If you add the web tools project (WTP), you'll get syntax highlighting in your templates, but nothing that relates to the specific template language. PyDev is a decent plugin, and if you are already familiar with...

What is the JSF resource library for and how should it be used?

...at is this and how should this be used? There are a lot of examples on the web which use it as follows with the common content/file type css , js and img (or image ) as library name depending on the tag used: ...

How to call asynchronous method from synchronous method in C#?

... there's certain environments where this is very ill-advised: particularly web applications. This could effectively halve the available threads for the web server (one thread for the request and one for this). The more you do this, the worse it gets. You could potentially end up deadlocking your ent...

Build a simple HTTP server in C [closed]

... Look at nweb (Nigel's Web Server), "a tiny, safe web server [...] with only 200 lines of C source code": https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3msld7qnNOhN1NXaFIwSFU2Mjg/view?usp=sharing http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/systems/library/...

Java NIO FileChannel versus FileOutputstream performance / usefulness

...n to the destination... bypassing any circuit through RAM or the CPU. The web app I spent my days and night working on is very IO heavy. I've done micro benchmarks and real-world benchmarks too. And the results are up on my blog, have a look-see: Real world performance metrics: java.io vs. java...

Good Free Alternative To MS Access [closed]

...its likely some people will land here looking for a database to use with a web site. It's important to remember that these are all in-process databases, and as such are rarely if ever appropriate for use on the web. If you want to build a web site, where it's common to need to support significant ...

Connecting to TCP Socket from browser using javascript

... As for your problem, currently you will have to depend on XHR or websockets for this. Currently no popular browser has implemented any such raw sockets api for javascript that lets you create and access raw sockets, but a draft for the implementation of raw sockets api in JavaScript is un...