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How do the PHP equality (== double equals) and identity (=== triple equals) comparison operators dif

... 640 Difference between == and === The difference between the loosely == equal operator and the stri...

Gem::LoadError for mysql2 gem, but it's already in Gemfile

... with rails 4.1.5) try using this version of mysql2: gem 'mysql2', '~> 0.3.18' Apparently mysql2 isn't still compatible with newer version of rails because rails 4.2.4 is pretty new as the time of answering this question by me 8 September 2015 so use the above line in your Gem file and run: ...

Given an array of numbers, return array of products of all other numbers (no division)

... 260 An explanation of polygenelubricants method is: The trick is to construct the arrays (in the c...

Expand a random range from 1–5 to 1–7

...2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6, 7, 1 }, { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }, { 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; int result = 0; while (result == 0) { int i = rand5(); int j = rand5(); result = vals[i-1][j-1]; } return result; } How does it work? Think of it like this: i...

Regular expression for a hexadecimal number?

... How about the following? 0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+ Matches expression starting with a 0, following by either a lower or uppercase x, followed by one or more characters in the ranges 0-9, or a-f, or A-F ...

Path to Powershell.exe (v 2.0)

Where is the Powershell (version 2.0) located? What is the path to Powershell.exe? I have Windows Server 2008 and Powershell installed. When I look at this folder: ...

Assign pandas dataframe column dtypes

... Since 0.17, you have to use the explicit conversions: pd.to_datetime, pd.to_timedelta and pd.to_numeric (As mentioned below, no more "magic", convert_objects has been deprecated in 0.17) df = pd.DataFrame({'x': {0: 'a', 1: 'b'}...

How to make rounded percentages add up to 100%

...ff = target - _.reduce(l, function(acc, x) { return acc + Math.round(x) }, 0); return _.chain(l). sortBy(function(x) { return Math.round(x) - x }). map(function(x, i) { return Math.round(x) + (off > i) - (i >= (l.length + off)) }). value(); } foo([13.62...

Label points in geom_point

...our="green", label=Name))+ geom_point() +geom_text(aes(label=Name),hjust=0, vjust=0) EDIT: Label only values above a certain threshold: ggplot(nba, aes(x= MIN, y= PTS, colour="green", label=Name))+ geom_point() + geom_text(aes(label=ifelse(PTS>24,as.character(Name),'')),hjust=0,vjust...

Python division

I was trying to normalize a set of numbers from -100 to 0 to a range of 10-100 and was having problems only to notice that even with no variables at all, this does not evaluate the way I would expect it to: ...