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How do I seed a random class to avoid getting duplicate random values [duplicate]

... @AndréChristofferAndersen How do you know? dilbert.com/dyn/str_strip/000000000/00000000/0000000/000000/… – joppiesaus Apr 4 '14 at 15:53 18 ...

EditorFor() and html properties

... The formatting worked but now null is returned for the data effectively disabling the box. – Joe Nov 9 '12 at 5:15 2 ...

git stash changes apply to new branch?

I was working on master branch, made some changes and then stashed them. Now, my master is at HEAD. 3 Answers ...

Hook up Raspberry Pi via Ethernet to laptop without router? [closed]

...your laptop (-Y with X-forwarding) $ssh -Y pi@ Lo and behold! Now your RPi is connected to your laptop and RPi can share the WiFi connection. pi@raspberrypi ~ $ Share display & keyboard of your laptop with RPi Install vncserver on Raspberry Pi $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo ap...

What are inline namespaces for?

...8/03 inline # endif namespace cxx_1997 { // std::vector now has an allocator argument template <class T, class Alloc=std::allocator<T> > class vector : pre_cxx_1997::__vector_impl<T> { // the old impl is still good // ... }; ...

Pointer to pointer clarification

...lue of ipp. So, ipp still points to ip1 (the value of ipp), ip1's value is now the same as ip2's value, so they both point to j. This: *ipp = ip2; is the same as: ip1 = ip2; share | improve th...

Inspect hovered element in Chrome?

...m, when I "inspect element", nothing shows for the tooltip in the html. I know I can set the Style to :hover , but I still can't see the html or css of the tooltip. ...

How to increment a datetime by one day?

... accomplished using timedelta objects: import datetime datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=1) Look up timedelta objects in the Python docs: http://docs.python.org/library/datetime.html share | ...

Long-lasting FB access-token for server to pull FB page info

...n to see that it is set to Expires: Never! That should do it. You should now have a Facebook Page Access Token that doesn't expire, unless: You change your Facebook account password You lose admin access for the target page You delete or de-authorize your Facebook App Any of these will cause t...

jQuery find events handlers registered with an object

...e from the "public API" for data. Read this jQuery blog post. You should now use this instead: jQuery._data( elem, "events" ); elem should be an HTML Element, not a jQuery object, or selector. Please note, that this is an internal, 'private' structure, and shouldn't be modified. Use this for ...