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How to capture UIView to UIImage without loss of quality on retina display

... applying a filter when you implicitly scale it up or just your brain is picking up on it being less sharp than everything around it. So, I guess: #import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h> + (UIImage *)imageWithView:(UIView *)view { UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(view.bounds.size, view....

Android TextView Justify Text

...t view. You may refer to seal.io/2010/12/only-way-how-to-align-text-in-block-in.html. (Stole from stackoverflow.com/questions/5976627/…) – jcaruso May 17 '13 at 21:57 ...

Given an array of numbers, return array of products of all other numbers (no division)

... An explanation of polygenelubricants method is: The trick is to construct the arrays (in the case for 4 elements) { 1, a[0], a[0]*a[1], a[0]*a[1]*a[2], } { a[1]*a[2]*a[3], a[2]*a[3], a[3], 1, } Both of which can be done i...

Can't Find Theme.AppCompat.Light for New Android ActionBar Support

...ple days ago. In the past, I have successfully implemented ActionBarSherlock without any issues using the same method listed on Google Developer's Support Library Setup page - using the guide on how to include the resources (which is similar to how ActionBarSherlock did it). I have the library pr...

do..end vs curly braces for blocks in Ruby

...uld not use do..end and instead use curly braces for defining multiline blocks in Ruby. 14 Answers ...

How to find the php.ini file used by the command line?

...s an alternative; available since PHP 5.2.3 :) – Ja͢ck Jun 5 '12 at 14:35 2 Nobody mentioned, th...

NSNotificationCenter addObserver in Swift

... @goofansu Are you sure? I reckon that you have to add it when it's a pure Swift class. – Klaas Dec 30 '14 at 10:25 10 ...

How do you easily horizontally center a using CSS? [duplicate]

I'm trying to horizontally center a <div> block element on a page and have it set to a minimum width. What is the simplest way to do this? I want the <div> element to be inline with rest of my page. I'll try to draw an example: ...

PopupWindow - Dismiss when clicked outside

... Please try to set setBackgroundDrawable on PopupWindow that should close the window if you touch outside of it. share | improve this answer ...

PHP: How to use array_filter() to filter array keys?

The callback function in array_filter() only passes in the array's values, not the keys. 14 Answers ...