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MySQL 'create schema' and 'create database' - Is there any difference
... between the create schema command and the create database command for MySQL.
6 Answers
Set value to NULL in MySQL
You're probably quoting 'NULL'. NULL is a reserved word in MySQL, and can be inserted/updated without quotes:
INSERT INTO user (name, something_optional) VALUES ("Joe", NULL);
UPDATE user SET something_optional = NULL;
MySQL error code: 1175 during UPDATE in MySQL Workbench
I'm trying to update the column visited to give it the value 1. I use MySQL workbench, and I'm writing the statement in the SQL editor from inside the workbench. I'm writing the following command:
No module named MySQLdb
I am using Python version 2.5.4 and install MySQL version 5.0 and Django. Django is working fine with Python, but not MySQL. I am using it in Windows Vista.
30岁之后,程序员该向什么方向发展? - 杂谈 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术
QA&3. 专注coding还是走向管理,程序员职场规划如何抉择?
我是选择了偏向 coding,但还是要做一定管理,我要带领小伙伴们提升技术,要推进公司的技术水平,这些还是需要管理的。可以说是管理技术不管产...
MFC中ComboBox控件的使用 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术
MFC中ComboBox控件的使用一、如何添加 删除Combo Box内容1,在ComboBox控件属性的Data标签里面添加,一行表示ComboBox下拉列表中的一行。换行用ctrl+回车。2,在程...一、如何添加/删除Combo Box内容
MySQL: Insert record if not exists in table
if you need to get warning message you can afterwards do mysql> show warnings\G
– fiorentinoing
Oct 20 '16 at 18:59
add column to mysql table if it does not exist
Note that INFORMATION_SCHEMA isn't supported in MySQL prior to 5.0. Nor are stored procedures supported prior to 5.0, so if you need to support MySQL 4.1, this solution isn't good.
One solution used by frameworks that use database migrations is to record in your database...
How do I add more members to my ENUM-type column in MySQL?
The MySQL reference manual does not provide a clearcut example on how to do this.
7 Answers
How to 'insert if not exists' in MySQL?
see http://bogdan.org.ua/2007/10/18/mysql-insert-if-not-exists-syntax.html
there's also INSERT … ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE syntax, you can find explanations on dev.mysql.com
Post from bogdan.org.ua according to Google's webcache:
18th October 2007