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Share cookie between subdomain and domain

...nd only a leading dot (.mydomain.com) would allow it to be used across multiple subdomains (but not the top-level domain, so what you ask was not possible in the older spec). However, all modern browsers respect the newer specification RFC 6265, and will ignore any leading dot, meaning you can use ...

Minimal web server using netcat

... From man for nc, -p description: It is an error to use this option in conjunction with the -l option – sbeliakov Nov 24 '16 at 14:59 ...

Bitwise operation and usage

... # Convert string to hexadecimal number (base 16) num = (int(value.lstrip("#"), 16)) # Shift 16 bits to the right, and then binary AND to obtain 8 bits representing red r = ((num >> 16) & 0xFF) # Shift 8 bits to the right, and then binary AND to obtain 8 bits representing...

(413) Request Entity Too Large | uploadReadAheadSize

... you'll have to delete it and re-add it. Run netsh http delete sslcert <ipaddress>:<port> where <ipaddress>:<port> is the IP:port shown in the configuration you saved earlier. Now you can re-add the binding. You can view the valid parameters for netsh http add sslcert here (M...

How to set up Spark on Windows?

...this version: Hadoop 2 (HDP2, CDH5) Since version 1.0.0 there are .cmd scripts to run spark in windows. Unpack it using 7zip or similar. To start you can execute /bin/spark-shell.cmd --master local[2] To configure your instance, you can follow this link: http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/ ...

Why is nginx responding to any domain name?

...rrangement gives a lot of flexibility in that it is possible to define multiple defaults. In my specific case, I have Apache listening on Port 8080 on the internal interface only and I proxy PHP and Perl scripts to Apache. However, I run two separate applications that both return links with ":808...

MAC addresses in JavaScript

...ecurity vulnerability if you would be able to do this directly from Javascript. There are two things I can think of: Using Java (with a signed applet) Using signed Javascript, which in FF (and Mozilla in general) gets higher privileges than normal JS (but it is fairly complicated to set up) ...

How to use SCNetworkReachability in Swift

I'm trying to convert this code snippet to Swift. I'm struggling on getting off the ground due to some difficulties. 7 An...

When NOT to use Cassandra?

...t an analytical platform around it to count hits per hour, by browser, by IP, etc in a real time manner. You can refer to this blog post to understand more about the use cases where Cassandra fits in. When to Use a RDMS instead of Cassandra Cassandra is based on a NoSQL database and does not pro...

What are the pros and cons of the SVN plugins for Eclipse, Subclipse and Subversive? [closed]

SVN in Eclipse is spread into two camps. The SVN people have developed a plugin called Subclipse . The Eclipse people have a plugin called Subversive . Broadly speaking they both do the same things. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? ...