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Change text color based on brightness of the covered background area?

...lor Here's the W3C algorithm (with JSFiddle demo too): const rgb = [255, 0, 0]; // Randomly change to showcase updates setInterval(setContrast, 1000); function setContrast() { // Randomly update colours rgb[0] = Math.round(Math.random() * 255); rgb[1] = Math.round(Math.random(...

Python: Check if one dictionary is a subset of another larger dictionary

... 112 Convert to item pairs and check for containment. all(item in superset.items() for item in subse...

Upgrading PHP in XAMPP for Windows?

... 128 Take a backup of your htdocs and data folder (subfolder of MySQL folder), reinstall upgraded ve...

Android Center text on canvas

... Try the following: int xPos = (canvas.getWidth() / 2); int yPos = (int) ((canvas.getHeight() / 2) - ((textPaint.descent() + textPaint.ascent()) / 2)) ; //((textPaint.descent() + textPaint.ascent()) / 2) is the distance from the baseline to the center. canvas.drawText("He...

What is the difference between atan and atan2 in C++?

What is the difference between atan and atan2 in C++? 11 Answers 11 ...

How to count the number of set bits in a 32-bit integer?

... 1 2 Next 867 ...

Reshaping data.frame from wide to long format

... | edited Oct 21 '19 at 10:33 Jaap 68.6k2525 gold badges155155 silver badges164164 bronze badges ...

How to deal with floating point number precision in JavaScript?

... 42 Answers 42 Active ...

Transposing a NumPy array

... 248 It's working exactly as it's supposed to. The transpose of a 1D array is still a 1D array! (I...

Any gotchas using unicode_literals in Python 2.6?

We've already gotten our code base running under Python 2.6. In order to prepare for Python 3.0, we've started adding: 6 A...