大约有 33,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0349秒) [XML]


Converting SVG to PNG using C# [closed]

... them correctly. Instead, take a look at headless-chrome, chrome-debugging API, and a C# API for the chrome-debugging API: github.com/ststeiger/ChromeDevTools/blob/master/source/… – Stefan Steiger Sep 5 '19 at 7:04 ...

How to continue a task when Fabric receives an error

...ored by using the settings context manager, something like so: from fabric.api import settings sudo('mkdir tmp') # can't fail with settings(warn_only=True): sudo('touch tmp/test') # can fail sudo('rm tmp') # can't fail ...

nodeJs callbacks simple example

...unction can call it at a later time. This is commonly seen in asynchronous APIs; the API call returns immediately because it is asynchronous, so you pass a function into it that the API can call when it's done performing its asynchronous task. The simplest example I can think of in JavaScript is th...

Using curl to upload POST data with files

...PARAM_TOKEN : 71e2cb8b-42b7-4bf0-b2e8-53fbd2f578f9' //custom header for my api validation you can get it from $_SERVER["HTTP_X_PARAM_TOKEN"] variable ,"Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=".$BOUNDARY) //setting our mime type for make it work on $_FILE variable ...

Separate REST JSON API server and client? [closed]

...s, smartphone apps, backend webservices, etc. So I really want a JSON REST API for each one. 18 Answers ...

Getting name of windows computer running python script?

... scrips are for sure running on a windows system, you should use the Win32 API GetComputerName or GetComputerNameEx You can get the fully qualified DNS name, or NETBIOS name, or a variety of different things. import win32api win32api.GetComputerName() >>'MYNAME' Or: import win32api WIN32...

.NET WebAPI Serialization k_BackingField Nastiness

...n't need to use neither [Serializable] nor [DataContract] to work with Web API. Just leave your model as is, and Web API would serialize all the public properties for you. Only if you want to have more control about what's included, you then decorate your class with [DataContract] and the propert...

Non-CRUD operations in a RESTful service

...ng said, making a purchase is actually creating a new resource. So: POST /api/purchase will place a new order. The details (user, car, etc.) should be referenced by id (or URI) inside the contents sent to this address. It doesn't matter that ordering a car is not just a simple INSERT in the data...

ViewPager with Google Maps API v2: mysterious black view

I have integrated the new google maps api v2 fragment in a view pager. When scrolling from the map fragment, a black view overlaps the adjacent fragments. Someone has solved? ...

Can Flask have optional URL parameters?

... If you are using Flask-Restful like me, it is also possible this way: api.add_resource(UserAPI, '/<userId>', '/<userId>/<username>', endpoint = 'user') a then in your Resource class: class UserAPI(Resource): def get(self, userId, username=None): pass ...