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Android encryption / decryption using AES [closed]

... example of how to encrypt and decrypt image and other files with AES on Android? 11 Answers ...

Benefit of using Parcelable instead of serializing object

As I understand, Bundle and Parcelable belongs to the way Android performs serialization in. It is used for example in passing data between activities. But I wonder, if there are any benefits in using Parcelable instead of classic serialization in case of saving state of my business objects to...

Checking if an Android application is running in the background

...ate static boolean activityVisible; } Register your application class in AndroidManifest.xml: <application android:name="your.app.package.MyApplication" android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/app_name" > Add onPause and onResume to every Activity in the project (...

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class on path: dexpathlist

... This is the correct answer for Android Studio. I can't believe that Instant Run is still so buggy to the extend that you have to turn it off in order to avoid nasty surprises... – Ognyan Oct 1 '17 at 10:54 ...

Android gradle: buildtoolsVersion vs compileSdkVersion

...ween buildtoolsVersion vs compileSdkVersion in the build.gradle for an Android project? 2 Answers ...

Android image caching

...prodigy no idea what that BitmapLoader is, certainly isn't in any standard android library I know of, but it at least led me in the right direction. Bitmap response = BitmapFactory.decodeStream((InputStream)connection.getContent()); – Stephen Fuhry Sep 30 '11 a...

Colored logcat in android studio by colorpid

...ink github colored logcat I am looking for any solution how to use it in android studio/intellij. Is there in android studio any option to modify calling adb logcat ? Here is the example how it works. ...

View inside ScrollView doesn't take all place

I have a RelativeLayout inside a ScrollView. My RelativeLayout has android:layout_height="match_parent" but the view doesn't take the entire size, it's like a wrap_content. ...

How to Sign an Already Compiled Apk

... with: jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore app.apk androiddebugkey -storepass android – Pellet Sep 19 '16 at 1:31 3 ...

Why is my Android emulator keyboard in Chinese character mode?

I'm debugging my Android application using the AVD (Android Virtual Device). When I try to enter text in a text field, my characters are being interpreted as Chinese in the IME. ...