大约有 40,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0335秒) [XML]


远程临场机器人 你会买单吗? - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...苹果表,很多人都知道是什么知道怎么用,我们要一点点调试。前期我在上海谈了十几家合作,加起来有20个点,我可能先把这20个点搞好。”孔尧说。 孔尧和他的团队认为,最具商业想象空间的还是企业级应用。与重点地域的...

Overcoming “Display forbidden by X-Frame-Options”

...n pages), simply sending another X-Frame-Options header with any string at all disables the SAMEORIGIN or DENY commands. eg. for PHP, putting <?php header('X-Frame-Options: GOFORIT'); ?> at the top of your page will make browsers combine the two, which results in a header of X-Frame...

Using javadoc for Python documentation [closed]

... from the Napolean documentation linked above. A comprehensive example on all types of docstrings here. share | improve this answer | follow | ...

Convert seconds to Hour:Minute:Second

...e amount of days in the year starting with 0. You can obviously review the php date manual to cater to your specific needs. – Nightwolf Aug 11 '16 at 6:51  ...

Discuz! X3 论坛标题字数突破80的限制 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...}</span> 四,修改函数验证提示: source/function/function_post.php (仅截图一处) 五、找到语言包提示文字,打开 source/language/lang_messege.php: (仅截图一处) OK,你再发表帖子标题就可以是255个字符数了!!!Discuz 标题...

Nginx reverse proxy causing 504 Gateway Timeout

...nd it had to do with not using a keep-alive on the connection. I can't actually answer why this is but, in clearing the connection header I solved this issue and the request was proxied just fine: server { location / { proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header ...

Disable cache for some images

... Please note: You do not actually prevent the browser from caching the image, you only prevent looking at the cached image. Applying proper headers to your image is the best way imho (see the solution of lhunath below). Since this way you also fill the c...

Fastest Way to Find Distance Between Two Lat/Long Points

I currently have just under a million locations in a mysql database all with longitude and latitude information. 15 Answers...

How to escape a JSON string to have it in a URL?

... I'll offer an oddball alternative. Sometimes it's easier to use different encoding, especially if you're dealing with a variety of systems that don't all handle the details of URL encoding the same way. This isn't the most mainstream approach ...

How many concurrent AJAX (XmlHttpRequest) requests are allowed in popular browsers?

... No, the limits are imposed on the domain. So you could technically get FF up to 12 connections if you had a subdomain in addition to your site. – Bob Feb 18 '09 at 13:39 ...