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How do I list one filename per output line in Linux?

...hese cases are a subset of those that do not require obtaining a file name from ls. In python, there is absolutely no reason to invoke ls. Python has all of ls's functionality built-in. Use os.listdir to list the contents of a directory and os.stat or os to obtain file metadata. Other functions in ...

How to import other Python files?

...tlib.import_module(moduleName) Note: the .py extension should be removed from moduleName. The function also defines a package argument for relative imports. Update: Answer below is outdated. Use the more recent alternative above. Just import file without the '.py' extension. You can mark a fo...

Check if string ends with one of the strings from a list

... Take an extension from the file and see if it is in the set of extensions: >>> import os >>> extensions = set(['.mp3','.avi']) >>> file_name = 'test.mp3' >>> extension = os.path.splitext(file_name)[1] >&...

LLVM vs clang on OS X

...swer this question. The reputation requirement helps protect this question from spam and non-answer activity. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions t...

Git 'fatal: Unable to write new index file'

...talled new OS, moved my repos around and it was showing this exact error I selected the root folder and then added authenticated the user to check all share | improve this answer | ...

Git for beginners: The definitive practical guide

... simply a directory containing a special .git directory. This is different from "centralised" version-control systems (like subversion), where a "repository" is hosted on a remote server, which you checkout into a "working copy" directory. With git, your working copy is the repository. Simply run gi...

Mysql command not found in OS X 10.7

...H"' >> ~/.bash_profile Essentially, this allows you to access mysql from anywhere. Type cat .bash_profile to check the PATH has been setup. Check mysql version now: mysql --version If this still doesn't work, close the terminal and reopen. Check the version now, it should work. Good luck! ...

What does Python's eval() do?

...oot jail with ptrace checks in a virtual machine to prevent malicious code from doing anything bad. Far more complicated than a simple eval. Also, eval is Python-specific. codepad supports a bunch of languages. – FogleBird Feb 21 '12 at 20:16 ...

How to create a .gitignore file

...es, then save and close Hold SHIFT, right click the folder you're in, then select Open command window here Then rename the file in the command line, with ren gitignore.txt .gitignore Alternatively @HenningCash suggests in the comments You can get around this Windows Explorer error by appending...

Why does Android use Java? [closed]

OK, this should really be asked to someone from Google, but I just want other opinions. 9 Answers ...