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How to allow http content within an iframe on a https site

...e server online. Do the following steps: Prepare your proxy server - install IIS, Apache Get valid SSL certificate to avoid security errors (free from startssl.com for example) Write a wrapper, which will download insecure content (how to below) From your site/app get https://yourproxy.com/?page=h...

各编程语言读写文件汇总 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

各编程语言读写文件汇总all_programming_language_file_read_write_summary读写文件本来是非常基础的代码,但工作学习中难免会有遗忘,有时又难以翻看自己写过的代码,网上搜索更是五花八门让人头大,鉴于此,清泛网 读写文件本来是...

Discuz轻松生成sitemaps.xml网站地图 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...针对论坛版块生成sitemaps xml:●建立一个名为cron_sitemaps php的文件;●复制以下代码区的内容到cron_sitemaps php中,并保存文件;PS:注意编码,选择自己DZ对应的编码,我 只针对论坛版块生成sitemaps.xml: ●建立一个名为“cron_sit...

Get value from SimpleXMLElement Object

... i can't believe this is so complicated. why would they make a class called "getName" but not "getValue"? why would they print empty string if you printed it instead of converted it manually to (string). WHY?? – user151496 Oct 17 '16 at 12:31 ...

Downloading a large file using curl

... <?php set_time_limit(0); //This is the file where we save the information $fp = fopen (dirname(__FILE__) . '/localfile.tmp', 'w+'); //Here is the file we are downloading, replace spaces with %20 $ch = curl_init(str_replace("...

Can you use if/else conditions in CSS?

... your stylesheet with your favourite server-side language. If you're using PHP, serve a style.css.php file, that looks something like this: p { background-position: <?php echo (@$_GET['foo'] == 'bar')? "150" : "4"; ?>px 8px; } In this case, you will however have a performance impact, sinc...

See changes to a specific file using git

...s, but, as far as I understood, it is directory based. This means it gives all the changes of all files on the current directory. ...

How to send an email from JavaScript

...ject=subject&body=body'); Another solution would be to do an ajax call to your server, so that the server sends the email. Be careful not to allow anyone to send any email through your server. share | ...

jQuery AJAX cross domain

Here are two pages, test.php and testserver.php. 14 Answers 14 ...

A better similarity ranking algorithm for variable length strings

...yields better results on variable length strings than the ones that are usually suggested (levenshtein distance, soundex, etc). ...