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VIP会员中心 · App Inventor 2 中文网,少儿编程陪伴者

...   扫码关注网页底部公众号,观看置顶视频,AI伴侣的各种测试方式均有讲解。 ai2 Starter模拟器中AI...

多媒体组件 · App Inventor 2 中文网

...矩形,将在视频中出现播放、暂停、向前跳转和向后跳转控件。 App可以通过调用 播放、暂停 和 跳转 方法来控制视频播放器的行为。 视频文件应为 3GPP (.3gp) 或 MPEG-4 (.mp4) 格式。更多详细信息格式,见 Android 支持的媒体格式。...

TCP 的那些事儿(下) - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...做好准备,本篇文章有好些算法和策略,可能会引发你的各种思考,让你的大脑分配很多内存和计算资源,所以,不适合在厕所中阅读。 TCP的RTT算法 从前面的TCP重传机制我们知道Timeout的设置对于重传非常重要。 设长了,重...

创业者:在寻找 不迷茫 - 资讯 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

...融观察记者,创业这大半年,为了寻找对接资金,他通过各种关系参加了100多场资本圈的酒会,去过无数趟中关村大街,也参加过几场路演,但是结果都石沉大海。 “似乎投资热潮的时候,大家都没有看清楚。”杨贝明分析屡...

Catch All Bugs with BugTrap! - 开源 & Github - 清泛网移动版 - 专注IT技能提升

...ake BugTrap DLL as compact as possible. Therefore BugTrap DLL does not use MFC/ATL/WTL. I have been using pure C and C++. In particular, you will find several classes from my own library: collection classes, IO streams, built-in XML parser, etc. BugTrap DLL depends on zlib. I have included it in the...

Catch All Bugs with BugTrap! - 开源 & Github - 清泛网移动版 - 专注IT技能提升

...ake BugTrap DLL as compact as possible. Therefore BugTrap DLL does not use MFC/ATL/WTL. I have been using pure C and C++. In particular, you will find several classes from my own library: collection classes, IO streams, built-in XML parser, etc. BugTrap DLL depends on zlib. I have included it in the...

Catch All Bugs with BugTrap! - 开源 & Github - 清泛网移动版 - 专注IT技能提升

...ake BugTrap DLL as compact as possible. Therefore BugTrap DLL does not use MFC/ATL/WTL. I have been using pure C and C++. In particular, you will find several classes from my own library: collection classes, IO streams, built-in XML parser, etc. BugTrap DLL depends on zlib. I have included it in the...

Catch All Bugs with BugTrap! - 开源 & Github - 清泛网移动版 - 专注IT技能提升

...ake BugTrap DLL as compact as possible. Therefore BugTrap DLL does not use MFC/ATL/WTL. I have been using pure C and C++. In particular, you will find several classes from my own library: collection classes, IO streams, built-in XML parser, etc. BugTrap DLL depends on zlib. I have included it in the...

Catch All Bugs with BugTrap! - 开源 & Github - 清泛网移动版 - 专注IT技能提升

...ake BugTrap DLL as compact as possible. Therefore BugTrap DLL does not use MFC/ATL/WTL. I have been using pure C and C++. In particular, you will find several classes from my own library: collection classes, IO streams, built-in XML parser, etc. BugTrap DLL depends on zlib. I have included it in the...

Catch All Bugs with BugTrap! - 开源 & Github - 清泛网移动版 - 专注IT技能提升

...ake BugTrap DLL as compact as possible. Therefore BugTrap DLL does not use MFC/ATL/WTL. I have been using pure C and C++. In particular, you will find several classes from my own library: collection classes, IO streams, built-in XML parser, etc. BugTrap DLL depends on zlib. I have included it in the...