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HTML img tag: title attribute vs. alt attribute?

...ys where 90% of the population is using a 28k modem to connect to the InterWeb is looooong over. share | improve this answer | follow | ...

How to log out user from web site using BASIC authentication?

Is it possible to log out user from a web site if he is using basic authentication? 22 Answers ...

Which HTML Parser is the best? [closed]

... HtmlCleaner is open-source HTML parser written in Java. HTML found on Web is usually dirty, ill-formed and unsuitable for further processing. For any serious consumption of such documents, it is necessary to first clean up the mess and bring the order to tags, attributes and ordinary text. For ...

How do you Programmatically Download a Webpage in Java

I would like to be able to fetch a web page's html and save it to a String , so I can do some processing on it. Also, how could I handle various types of compression. ...

What are “Groovy” and “Grails” and what kinds of applications are built using them?

... Applications are built using "Groovy on Grails"? Grails is used to build web applications that run on the JVM. What are the advantages of Groovy on Grails? High productivity, focusing on business instead of plumbing. (Note that I wouldn't recommend to use Grails with an existing data model. The r...

asp.net mvc: why is Html.CheckBox generating an additional hidden input

... You can write a helper to prevent adding the hidden input: using System.Web.Mvc; using System.Web.Mvc.Html; public static class HelperUI { public static MvcHtmlString CheckBoxSimple(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string name, object htmlAttributes) { string checkBoxWithHidden = html...

Styles.Render in MVC4

...sses in MVC when you can simply add a CSS <link> to the file in your web page? If you add all your CSS links to your style sheets in say a layout file or a partial view you can manage them in one simple place, as well. This is also bad design to hard code Style paths like that, as you can no l...

HTTP POST with URL query parameters — good idea or not? [closed]

... other headers like Content-Type too, which leads to Note 2: Note 2: if a web browser is the primary way people are accessing your web application, and application/x-www-form-urlencoded is the Content-Type they are posting, then you should follow the rules for that Content-Type. And the rules for a...

OwinStartup not firing

... Make sure you have installed Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb package in the project. This package is needed for startup detection in IIS hosted applications. For more information you can refer to this article. ...

What is WebKit and how is it related to CSS?

More recently, I have been seeing questions with the tag "webkit". Such questions usually tend to be web-based questions relating to CSS, jQuery, layouts, cross-browers compatibility issues, etc... ...