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App Inventor 2 语音识别及文本朗读组件的使用 - App Inventor 2 中文网 - ...

...音+识别引擎来进行,体验较好,识别率很高。 不过目前版本还稳定维持在1.1.1045,后续几乎不再更新了。 1)安装方法:应用市场,应用市场找不到的请点此(https://www.pgyer.com/yyyq)下载apk安装。 2)设置:语音识别引擎不...

【解决】Missing FindPython3.cmake - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C++内核技术

...velopment package or SDK, be sure it has been installed. 解决:cmake版本必须 >= 3.12 参考:https://gitlab.inria.fr/flowvr/flowvr-ex/-/issues/8 cmake升级方法: 1、访问:https://cmake.org/files/,下载最新版 cmake-3.xx.x-Linux-x86_64 2、解压 tar -zxvf cmake-3.xx.x-...

【解决】This is allowed only when policy CMP0079 is set to NEW. - C/C+...

...et to NEW.This-is-allowed-only-when-policy-CMP0079-is-set-to-NEWcmake最版本设置为3 13以上,可解决。cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3 13) can fix the first problem 参考:https: gitlab kitware com cmake cmake - issues 19693cmake最版本设置为3.13以上,可解决。 cmake_m...

OpenSuSE 安装dtrace - 操作系统(内核) - 清泛网 - 专注C++内核技术

...网:https: software opensuse org搜索 dtrace,选择:找到指定的版本ymp文件,这里以15 1为例:OCICLI https: software opensuse org ymp home:Dead_Mozay:gst openSUSE_Leap_15 1 systemtap-dtrace ymp--End--官网:https://software.opensuse.org 搜索 dtrace,选择: 找到指...

【解决】Missing FindPython3.cmake - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C++内核技术

...velopment package or SDK, be sure it has been installed. 解决:cmake版本必须 >= 3.12 参考:https://gitlab.inria.fr/flowvr/flowvr-ex/-/issues/8 cmake升级方法: 1、访问:https://cmake.org/files/,下载最新版 cmake-3.xx.x-Linux-x86_64 2、解压 tar -zxvf cmake-3.xx.x-...

【解决】This is allowed only when policy CMP0079 is set to NEW. - C/C+...

...et to NEW.This-is-allowed-only-when-policy-CMP0079-is-set-to-NEWcmake最版本设置为3 13以上,可解决。cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3 13) can fix the first problem 参考:https: gitlab kitware com cmake cmake - issues 19693cmake最版本设置为3.13以上,可解决。 cmake_m...

【解决】Missing FindPython3.cmake - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C++内核技术

...velopment package or SDK, be sure it has been installed. 解决:cmake版本必须 >= 3.12 参考:https://gitlab.inria.fr/flowvr/flowvr-ex/-/issues/8 cmake升级方法: 1、访问:https://cmake.org/files/,下载最新版 cmake-3.xx.x-Linux-x86_64 2、解压 tar -zxvf cmake-3.xx.x-...

【解决】This is allowed only when policy CMP0079 is set to NEW. - C/C+...

...et to NEW.This-is-allowed-only-when-policy-CMP0079-is-set-to-NEWcmake最版本设置为3 13以上,可解决。cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3 13) can fix the first problem 参考:https: gitlab kitware com cmake cmake - issues 19693cmake最版本设置为3.13以上,可解决。 cmake_m...

OpenSuSE 安装dtrace - 操作系统(内核) - 清泛网 - 专注C++内核技术

...网:https: software opensuse org搜索 dtrace,选择:找到指定的版本ymp文件,这里以15 1为例:OCICLI https: software opensuse org ymp home:Dead_Mozay:gst openSUSE_Leap_15 1 systemtap-dtrace ymp--End--官网:https://software.opensuse.org 搜索 dtrace,选择: 找到指...

【解决】Missing FindPython3.cmake - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C++内核技术

...velopment package or SDK, be sure it has been installed. 解决:cmake版本必须 >= 3.12 参考:https://gitlab.inria.fr/flowvr/flowvr-ex/-/issues/8 cmake升级方法: 1、访问:https://cmake.org/files/,下载最新版 cmake-3.xx.x-Linux-x86_64 2、解压 tar -zxvf cmake-3.xx.x-...