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VS工程“生成事件”之文件拷贝 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

VS工程“生成事件”之文件拷贝有时工程下面引用了lib文件,但是编译Debug Release等版本时需要将dll拷至指定目录才能运行,如果有多个编译版本需要拷贝多份,这样不便于...有时工程下面引用了lib文件,但是编译Debug/Release等版...

VS Debug调试模式下内存泄露检测原理 - C/C++ - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

VS Debug调试模式下内存泄露检测原理内存泄露检测基本原理:程序调用new、malloc、realloc等内存分配函数时,将分配的内存地址,分配的大小、第几次分配、分配函数调用所在的文...内存泄露检测基本原理: 程序调用new、malloc、r...

解决:vs2010调试程序时出现: “当前不会命中断点。源代码与原始版本不同...

解决:vs2010调试程序时出现: “当前不会命中断点。源代码与原始版本不同”一、这是由于文件格式变化引起的,解决办法:1 打开设置断点不起作用的 cpp 文件2 打开编辑菜单,点全选 (Ctrl + a );3 打开编辑菜单,高级,点...

穷人VS富人:其实就这么点差别 - 杂谈 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

穷人VS富人:其实就这么点差别其实这就是穷人和富人的区别,穷人觉得赚钱难,富人觉得花钱难。干爹马云说,花钱比赚钱难,很多人表示很不理解。 尼玛,天天累死累活,赚那点工资,勉勉强强刚够生活,有钱还怕没处花...

TokuMX vs. MongoDB 性能对比 - 大数据 & AI - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

TokuMX vs. MongoDB 性能对比TokuDB 的ft tree 用在MongoDB产品TokuMX已经发布。MongoDB 在大量数据(比如1亿条记录)后,插入性能急剧下降。Tokutek数据带索引插入...TokuDB 的ft tree 用在MongoDB产品TokuMX已经发布。MongoDB 在大量数据(比如1亿条...

VS编程之查看数组信息 - 更多技术 - 清泛网 - 专注C/C++及内核技术

VS编程之查看数组信息在需要调试的地方下断点, 运行到断点处,在想看的数组上点右键,选择QuickWatch(快速监视),弹出一个窗口后,如果你想要看这个数组的前1 在需要调试的地方下断点, 运行到断点处,在想看的数组上...

IIS does not list a website that matches the launch url

I need to debug the website i 'm developing (ASP.NET MVC3, Razor, .NET 4, VS2010 SP1 (as administrator)) in IIS7 (Vista Home) and getting the error: ...

TransformXml task could not be loaded from Microsoft.Web.Publishing.Tasks.dll

... Bok and emalamisura work fine as long as you use Visual Studio 2012. For VS 2013 this fails as well. In order to make this work with all versions of Visual Studio you should: Open the project file (.csproj) of the project failing to load Search for <Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\M...

HTTP vs HTTPS performance

...n. There are several tools out there to compare the performance of an HTTP vs HTTPS server (JMeter and Visual Studio come to mind) and they are quite easy to use. No one can give you a meaningful answer without some information about the nature of your web site, hardware, software, and network conf...

VS2012 return to a normal TFS checkin window?

VS2012 seems to remove the popup window for TFS check-ins that was in VS2010. It now seems to take over the team explorer tab in my sidebar, and buries the important things - like which files I've changed. Is there any way to return to a normal popup window for check-ins in VS2012? ...