大约有 8,000 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0243秒) [XML]
SimpleTest vs PHPunit
... IDE (Netbeans, Eclipse, ...)
Also there are a couple of suggestings for a web interface to phpunit tests.
I've yet to see any argument in favor of SimpleTest. It's not even simpler to install since PHPUnit is available via pear:
pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de
pear install phpunit/PHPUnit
Edit changeset comment after updates have been checked in to TFS
...refresh the history view to see the updated comment
To do this via the web interface:
navigate your browser to your TFS web portal (if you are using TFS Online then it will be [your account name].visualstudio.com)
from you Home portal navigate to your project (if it isn't available under R...
What is an idempotent operation?
Idempotence is talked about a lot in the context of "RESTful" web services. REST seeks to maximally leverage HTTP to give programs access to web content, and is usually set in contrast to SOAP-based web services, which just tunnel remote procedure call style services inside HTTP reques...
Ruby on Rails Server options [closed]
...development server for my Ruby on Rails application confuses me. There are WEBrick, Mongrel, Passenger, Apache, Nginx and many more I am sure, and I don't really understand the different roles they play.
How to cache data in a MVC application
Reference the System.Web dll in your model and use System.Web.Caching.Cache
public string[] GetNames()
string[] names = Cache["names"] as string[];
if(names == null) //not in cache
names = DB.GetNames();
Load and execution sequence of a web page?
I have done some web based projects, but I don't think too much about the load and execution sequence of an ordinary web page. But now I need to know detail. It's hard to find answers from Google or SO, so I created this question.
C# namespace alias - what's the point?
...his makes it very easy to see where a class comes from, e.g:
using System.Web.WebControls;
// lots of other using statements
// contains the domain model for project X
using dom = Company.ProjectX.DomainModel;
// contains common web functionality
using web = Company.Web;
// etc.
// User f...
How to import Google Web Font in CSS file?
...the HEAD of the document. I was wondering if there was a way to import the web font from within the CSS file?
11 Answers
The import javax.servlet can't be resolved [duplicate]
I'm trying to use eclipse for Java EE to develop web applications.
8 Answers
ASP.NET MVC Performance
I found some wild remarks that ASP.NET MVC is 30x faster than ASP.NET WebForms. What real performance difference is there, has this been measured and what are the performance benefits.