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How to create an android app using HTML 5
Can we create android applications using HTML5?
6 Answers
How to get folder path for ClickOnce application
I need to write a file in the same folder where a console ClickOnce .application (executable file) resides. The folder where it launches from.
APP lnventor 2 做好界面手机横屏字体严重跑偏 - App应用开发 - 清泛IT社...
本帖最后由 HTWHTWHTW 于 2024-08-06 08:43 编辑
APP lnventor 2 做好界面手机横屏字体严重跑偏,无法用.
How can I get Express to output nicely formatted HTML?
In your main app.js or what is in it's place:
Express 4.x
if (app.get('env') === 'development') {
app.locals.pretty = true;
Express 3.x
app.configure('development', function(){
':app:lintVitalRelease' error when generating signed apk
...stead, check what the error is and fix it.
The error report is saved to [app module]/build/reports/lint-results-yourBuildName-fatal.html. You can open this file in a browser to read about the errors.
It would be nice if Gradle could make it a little more clear where the error report is generated....
Error in exception handler. - Laravel
...s) and keep the permissions as of the directory as 775.
chgrp -R www-data app/storage
Or with chown.
chown -R :www-data app/storage
Then make sure directory permissions are 775.
chmod -R 775 app/storage
From the Laravel web site:
Laravel may require one set of permissions to be conf...
UIDevice uniqueIdentifier deprecated - What to do now?
...S 5 and unavailable in iOS 7 and above. No alternative method or property appears to be available or forthcoming.
32 Answe...
How can my iphone app detect its own version number?
I'm writing an iPhone app. It's already been published, but I would like to add a feature where its version number is displayed.
Difference between `npm start` & `node app.js`, when starting app?
I have installed an application using the command express new 'filename' . I have just learned that you can start an application using:
Using SSH keys inside docker container
I have an app that executes various fun stuff with Git (like running git clone & git push) and I'm trying to docker-ize it.