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App Inventor 2 中文网支持OpenAI的ChatGPT对话及AI绘图(AI伴侣2.67及以上...

App Inventor 2 中文网已经升级ChatBot及ImageBot组件。

App Inventor 2 参考文档 · App Inventor 2 中文网

...反馈 App Inventor 2 参考文档 App Inventor 2 参考文档分为以下几大类:内置块参考文档、组件参考文档、拓展参考文档、概念参考文档、其他技术文档及App Inve...

App Inventor 2 拓展参考文档 · App Inventor 2 中文网

... 教育 入门必读 中文教程 IoT专题 AI2拓展 Aia Store 开通VIP 搜索 App Inventor 2 拓展参考文档 ...

App Inventor 2 实现上传文件到服务器全方案总结 · App Inventor 2 中文网

...反馈 App Inventor 2 实现上传文件到服务器全方案总结 App Inventor 2 实现上传文件到服务器全方案总结 1、图片Base64化 2、通用(二级制)文件上...

App Inventor 2 中文网 · 升级日志

... 升级日志 项目指南 App Inventor 2 中文网 · 升级日志 240117 2024/01/17 全新 全新配色主题等您来探索,更有暗色主题可选,让您的代码更有格调!(设置入口:底部导航条最左边) 全...

MIT官方已升级至2.71版本,几乎就是仅增加一个全新主题 - App Inventor 2 ...

2.71 版本主要更新内容:Changes between nb196 and nb197 (July 7, 2024) This is a component release which includes bugfixes and improvements. It includes a new Android MIT AI2 Companion versions 2.71 (from Google Play) and 2.71u (directly downloaded from MIT App Inventor). Features: Ne...

bash: pip: command not found

... 29 Answers 29 Active ...

Ubuntu rails install fails on zlib

... 297 If you come across this question trying to install Ruby using Ruby Version Manager (RVM) on Ub...

Calculate distance between two points in google maps V3

... two markers in Google maps V3? (Similar to the distanceFrom function inV2.) 15 Answers ...

Updating Bootstrap to version 3 - what do I have to do?

I'm new to Bootstrap and have the older version 2.3.2. 8 Answers 8 ...