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ASP.NET Web API - PUT & DELETE Verbs Not Allowed - IIS 8

... fact if you install the release candidate of VS 2012 and create a new WEB API project you'll find that the sample PUT and DELETE methods return 404 errors out of the box. To use the PUT and DELETE verbs with the Web API you need to edit %userprofile%\documents\iisexpress\config\applicationhost.con...

Getting the location from an IP address [duplicate]

...ify(response, null, 4)); }, "jsonp"); <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <h3>Client side IP geolocation using <a href="http://ipinfo.io">ipinfo.io</a></h3> <hr/> <div id="ip"></div> &...

Why does Eclipse automatically add appcompat v7 library support whenever I create a new project?

...xists between the different versions of Android (and thus, of the provided APIs). This is the reason why Android code templates tools included in Eclipse through the Android Development Tools (ADT) integrate them by default. I noted that you target API 15 in your sample, but the miminum required S...

What XML parser should I use in C++? [closed]

...he W3C XML Specification, in its entirety. The next question is: Does your API need to conform to DOM or SAX? I Need Exact DOM and/or SAX Conformance OK, so you really need the API to be DOM and/or SAX. It can't just be a SAX-style push parser, or a DOM-style retained parser. It must be the actual D...

How to get JSON from webpage into Python script

...mport urllib.request, json with urllib.request.urlopen("http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=google") as url: data = json.loads(url.read().decode()) print(data) Python2 example: import urllib, json url = "http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=google...

When should an IllegalArgumentException be thrown?

... The API doc for IllegalArgumentException: Thrown to indicate that a method has been passed an illegal or inappropriate argument. From looking at how it is used in the JDK libraries, I would say: It seems like a defensive measu...

asynchronous vs non-blocking

...ay across the whole software industry. For example in the classic sockets API, a non-blocking socket is one that simply returns immediately with a special "would block" error message, whereas a blocking socket would have blocked. You have to use a separate function such as select or poll to find ou...

Parse RSS with jQuery

... WARNING The Google Feed API is officially deprecated and doesn't work anymore! No need for a whole plugin. This will return your RSS as a JSON object to a callback function: function parseRSS(url, callback) { $.ajax({ url: document.locati...

How to return raw string with ApiController?

I have an ApiController that serves XML/JSON, but I would like one of my actions to return pure HTML. I tried the below but it still return XML/JSON. ...

How does this checkbox recaptcha work and how can I use it?

... This is a beta API for reCAPTCHA. I gather this from the source of their JS API: https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js referencing "API2". And I also found this: http://jaswsinc.com/recaptcha-ads/ Apparently they did an invite-only beta o...