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How do I split a multi-line string into multiple lines?

...ython, represents a Unix line-break (ASCII decimal code 10), independently from the platform where you run it. However, the linebreak representation is platform-dependent. On Windows, \n is two characters, CR and LF (ASCII decimal codes 13 and 10, AKA \r and \n), while on any modern Unix (including ...

Setting the MySQL root user password on OS X

...er. Mac OSX: System Preferences > MySQL > Stop MySQL Server Linux (From Terminal): sudo systemctl stop mysqld.service Start the server in safe mode with privilege bypass From Terminal: sudo /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables In a new terminal window: sudo /usr/local/m...

What character to use to put an item at the end of an alphabetic list?

...ers because they can really mess up the things when you access your folder from terminal or programming languages. I had annoying issues using 末 or other special characters. For example, using Python 2.7, this is how you will see your folders with the non-printable characters Ω, 末, 口,. os...

Using IPython notebooks under version control

...e.ipynb, although it would at least keep git diff notebook_file.ipynb free from base64 garbage). that said, incidentally if you do pull code (i.e. committed by someone else not using this approach) which contains some output, the output is checked out normally. Only the locally produced output is lo...

How to search all loaded scripts in Chrome Developer Tools?

...is answer, you can right click on the top tree node in the sources tab and select "Search in All Files": share | improve this answer | follow | ...

How do I profile memory usage in Python?

... here: Python memory profiler Basically you do something like that (cited from Guppy-PE): >>> from guppy import hpy; h=hpy() >>> h.heap() Partition of a set of 48477 objects. Total size = 3265516 bytes. Index Count % Size % Cumulative % Kind (class / dict of class) ...

Convert absolute path into relative path given a current directory using Bash

... Using realpath from GNU coreutils 8.23 is the simplest, I think: $ realpath --relative-to="$file1" "$file2" For example: $ realpath --relative-to=/usr/bin/nmap /tmp/testing ../../../tmp/testing ...

How are everyday machines programmed?

...imple systems like that don't carry an operating system. They simply load from a start address in memory and you put your code there. Often these systems have their "code" burned into EEPROMS that act as the hard drive of the system. Screw up the code after burning the proms, throw the chips away...

How can I clear previous output in Terminal in Mac OS X?

...nal manually: ⌘+K Command+K for newer keyboards To clear the terminal from within a shell script; /usr/bin/osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to tell process "Terminal" to keystroke "k" using command down' ...

Is there a max array length limit in C++?

...o a container that would otherwise use up all the available memory. Apart from that, C++ doesn't enforce any limits. share | improve this answer | follow | ...