大约有 1,200 项符合查询结果(耗时:0.0200秒) [XML]


How to count number of files in each directory?

...ifferent version from the above, so: ( hint: its sorted by name and its in csv) for x in find . -maxdepth 1 -type d | sort; do y=find $x | wc -l; echo $x,$y; done – pcarvalho May 11 '13 at 17:25 ...

Is there still any reason to learn AWK?

...onally for dealing with HTML. For instance, this code translates tables to csv files: BEGIN {s=""; FS="n"} /<td/ { gsub(/<[^>]*>/, ""); s=(s ", " $1);} /<tr|<TR/ { print s; s="" } Which is great if you're screen scraping. Actually, it might be the case that I love AWK because i...

Grep and Sed Equivalent for XML Command Line Processing

...ell scripting, typically data will be in files of single line records like csv. It's really simple to handle this data with grep and sed . But I have to deal with XML often, so I'd really like a way to script access to that XML data via the command line. What are the best tools? ...

Search text in fields in every table of a MySQL database

... file. The txt file holds the data for the table (tab delimited, rename to csv to open in Excel), and the sql holds the table definition in, you guessed it: SQL. This way you're searching everything and it's easy to narrow down where your data is. This method can be quite difficult to get working in...

Unix tail equivalent command in Windows Powershell

... The version 2.0 takes ages to show the 10 last lines of a 1GB csv file, and differently from Get-Content [filename] | Select-Object -Last 10 it can't be aborted – Jader Dias May 20 '11 at 14:27 ...

How can I find the number of arguments of a Python function?

... string, Represents the application name, parameter name pairs to fetch in csv as app_name1:param_name1, app_name2:param_name2. Returns: An object of the form: { # JSON template for a collection of usage reports. "nextPageToken": "A String", # Token for retrieving the next page "kind...

Capture HTML Canvas as gif/jpg/png/pdf?

...er the download (tested with FF data-urls and download="filename" for text/csv and text/plain) – Ax3l Sep 7 '14 at 11:44 ...

JUnit test with dynamic number of tests

...sed with non-parametrised methods in one class params can be passed as a CSV string or from a parameters provider class parameters provider class can have as many parameters providing methods as you want, so that you can group different cases you can have a test method that provides parameters...

“#include” a text file in a C program as a char[]

...sted to not require any encoding whatsoever.... ie straight json or xml or csv or what not.. – Brian Chrisman Aug 10 '19 at 16:09 ...

Turning a Comma Separated string into individual rows

..., l.L1) FROM cteLen l ; Referred from Tally OH! An Improved SQL 8K “CSV Splitter” Function share | improve this answer | follow | ...