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How to set different label for launcher rather than activity title?

... Apparently <intent-filter> can have a label attribute. If it's absent the label is inherited from the parent component (either Activity or Application). So using this, you can set a label for the launcher icon, while st...

Android: How to change the ActionBar “Home” Icon to be something other than the app icon?

My application's main icon consists of two parts in one image: a logo and a few letters below it. This works well for the launcher icon for the app, but when the icon appears on the left edge of the ActionBar, the letters get cut off and it doesn't look good. ...

Singletons vs. Application Context in Android?

... problems of using singletons and having seen several examples of Android applications using singleton pattern, I wonder if it's a good idea to use Singletons instead of single instances shared through global application state (subclassing android.os.Application and obtaining it through context.get...

How to quit android application programmatically

I Found some codes for quit an Android application programatically. By calling any one of the following code in onDestroy() will it quit application entirely? ...

Get name of object or class

...boch) { (function (Web) { (function (Common) { var App = (function () { function App() { } App.prototype.hello = function () { console.log('Hello App'); }; return App; ...

Where should signal handlers live in a django project?

... In my case I want to listen to a signal of model Foo which is part of fooapp. But the signal receiver is an extension and does live in an different app (for example otherapp). – guettli May 6 '14 at 8:02 ...

Processing $http response in service

...functions to manipulate and access the asynchronously returned responses. app.factory('myService', function($http) { var myService = { async: function() { // $http returns a promise, which has a then function, which also returns a promise var promise = $http.get('test.json').then(...

Install .ipa to iPad with or without iTunes

...o import that IPA to your itunes. Connect your iPad to iTunes then install application just by click on install and then sync. share | improve this answer | follow ...

How can I get Express to output nicely formatted HTML?

... In your main app.js or what is in it's place: Express 4.x if (app.get('env') === 'development') { app.locals.pretty = true; } Express 3.x app.configure('development', function(){ app.use(express.errorHandler()); app.locals.pret...

How to concatenate strings in twig

... This should work fine: {{ 'http://' ~ app.request.host }} To add a filter - like 'trans' - in the same tag use {{ ('http://' ~ app.request.host) | trans }} As Adam Elsodaney points out, you can also use string interpolation, this does require double quoted ...