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How do you calculate log base 2 in Java for integers?

I use the following function to calculate log base 2 for integers: 10 Answers 10 ...

What do all of Scala's symbolic operators mean?

...to look for them. Or, failing that, look at the index (presently broken on 2.9.1, but available on nightly). Every Scala code has three automatic imports: // Not necessarily in this order import _root_.java.lang._ // _root_ denotes an absolute path import _root_.scala._ import _root_.scala.Pr...


... 229 ROW_NUMBER : Returns a unique number for each row starting with 1. For rows that have duplicat...

how to check the dtype of a column in python pandas

... 127 You can access the data-type of a column with dtype: for y in agg.columns: if(agg[y].dtype...

How to create an object for a Django model with a many to many field?

... 248 You cannot create m2m relations from unsaved objects. If you have the pks, try this: sample_o...

Iterating over Java collections in Scala

... 28 There is a wrapper class (scala.collection.jcl.MutableIterator.Wrapper). So if you define imp...

What would cause an algorithm to have O(log n) complexity?

... 290 I have to agree that it's pretty weird the first time you see an O(log n) algorithm... where o...

Sorting arrays in NumPy by column

...ck example, to sort it and return a copy: In [1]: import numpy as np In [2]: a = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[0,0,1]]) In [3]: np.sort(a.view('i8,i8,i8'), order=['f1'], axis=0).view(np.int) Out[3]: array([[0, 0, 1], [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) To sort it in-place: In [6]: a.view('i8,i8...

Weighted random numbers

...e items have individual weights: 1) calculate the sum of all the weights 2) pick a random number that is 0 or greater and is less than the sum of the weights 3) go through the items one at a time, subtracting their weight from your random number, until you get the item where the random number is ...

Write a number with two decimal places SQL server

... 218 try this SELECT CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2),YOURCOLUMN) ...