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InputStream from a URL

...ll private InputStream getInputStreamFromUrl(URL url, String user, String passwd) throws IOException { String encoded = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString((user + ":" + passwd).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); Map<String,String> httpHeaders=new Map<>(); httpHea...

if arguments is equal to this string, define a variable like this string

... r) SERVER=$OPTARG ;; p) PASSWD=$OPTARG ;; v) VERBOSE=1 ;; ?) usage exit ;; esac done if [[ -z $TEST ]] || [[ -z $SERVER ]] || [[ -z $PASSWD ]] then...

Using ls to list directories and their total sizes

...1.3M Feb 18 00:18 icons drwxrwsr-x 2 localusr www 8.0K Dec 27 01:23 passwd share | improve this answer | follow | ...

How to make a HTTP request using Ruby on Rails?

... @yagooar which is great, prevents malicious redirects like file:///etc/passwd – gertas Nov 17 '15 at 15:58 1 ...

How to send a correct authorization header for basic authentication

... You can include the user and password as part of the URL: http://user:passwd@www.server.com/index.html see this URL, for more HTTP Basic Authentication credentials passed in URL and encryption of course, you'll need the username password, it's not 'Basic hashstring. hope this helps... ...

node.js remove file

...o check files can be deleted or not, Use fs.access instead fs.access('/etc/passwd', fs.constants.R_OK | fs.constants.W_OK, (err) => { console.log(err ? 'no access!' : 'can read/write'); }); share | ...

How to capture no file for fs.readFileSync()?

...tead pass the error in the callback and handle it there: fs.readFile('/etc/passwd', (err, data) => { if (err) throw err; console.log(data); }); from: nodejs.org/dist/latest-v12.x/docs/api/… – K.H. B Mar 30 at 16:44 ...

Having Django serve downloadable files

...t the user can potentially download any file (ie. what if you pass "f=/etc/passwd" ?) There are a lot of things that help prevent this (user permissions, etc), but just be aware of this obvious but common security risk. It's basically just a subset of validating input: If you pass in a filename to...

What does $$ mean in the shell?

... as root and I create /tmp/yourprogname13395 as a symlink pointing to /etc/passwd -- and you write into it. This is a bad thing to be doing in a shell script. If you're going to use a temporary file for something, you ought to be using a better language which will at least let you add the "exclusiv...

HTTP Basic Authentication - what's the expected web browser experience?

...ord in HTTP URLs, thus you can pick a file like: curl http://name:passwd@machine.domain/full/path/to/file or specify user and password separately like in curl -u name:passwd http://machine.domain/full/path/to/file HTTP offers many different methods of authentication and curl su...